In a patch in Grouper 2.4, Grouper will have a reporting capability.  This will start simple and we can add more features later.

High level description


The configuration will follow the same attribute structure as other Grouper modules like attestation and deprovisioning

Attribute definitions for config


Assigned To





folder, groupidentify a report configmarkerMulti assign


folder assignment, group assignmentname/value pairsstringSingle assign, single valued

Attribute names for config






reportConfigTypereportConfigValueDefrequired (SQL and blank available)Currently only SQL is available
reportConfigFormatreportConfigValueDefrequired (CSV and blank available)Currently only CSV is available


reportConfigValueDefrequiredName of report. No two reports in the same owner should have the same name
reportConfigFilenamereportConfigValueDefrequired and shown for CSV typee.g. usersOfMyService_$$timestamp$$.csv
$$timestamp$$ translates to current time in this format: yyyy_mm_dd_hh24_mi_ss


reportConfigValueDefrequiredTextarea which describes the information in the report. Must be less than 4k
reportConfigViewersGroupIdreportConfigValueDefoptionalGroupId of people who can view this report. Grouper admins can view any report (blank means admin only), check if EveryEntity is in the group, then public


reportConfigValueDefrequiredQuartz cron-like schedule


reportConfigValueDefrequired (default to true, no blank option available)true/false if email should be sent
reportConfigEmailSubjectreportConfigValueDefoptional (default to generated subject, blank means use generated)subject for email (optional, will be generated from report name if blank)
reportConfigEmailBodyreportConfigValueDefoptional (default to generated body, blank means use default, this should be a textarea, on submit, convert the newlines (/r/n, or /r, to standard \n)

optional, will be generated by a grouper default if blank

body for email, support \n for newlines, and substitute in: $$reportConfigName$$, $$reportConfigDescription$$, $$subjectName$$ and $$reportLink$$ The link
will go to the report instance screen for this report

note: the $$reportLink$$ must be in the email template if it is not blank

reportConfigSendEmailToViewersreportConfigValueDefrequired if reportConfigSendEmail=truetrue/false if report viewers should get email (if reportConfigSendEmail is true)


reportConfigValueDefrequired if reportConfigSendEmail=true and reportConfigSendEmailToViewers=false

if reportConfigSendEmail is true, and reportConfigSendEmailToViewers is false), this is the groupId where members are retrieved from, and the subject email attribute, if not null then send


reportConfigValueDefrequired and shown for CSV typeSQL for the report. The columns must be named in the SQL (e.g. not select *) and generally this comes from a view


reportConfigValueDefdefault to true (required, no blank option)Use logic from loader enabled, either enable or disabled this job

Attribute definitions for instance (a report that was run)

This attribute is assigned to the same owner as the config attribute (e.g. the same group/folder)


Assigned To




reportInstanceDeffolder, groupidentify a report that was runmarkerMulti assign
reportInstanceValueDeffolder assignment, group assignmentname/value pairsstringSingle assign, single valued

Attribute names for instance

Note: the ID is the attribute assign id of the marker (this is passed in URLs/emails etc)





reportInstanceStatusreportInstanceValueDefSUCCESS means link to the report from screen, ERROR means didnt execute successfully
reportElapsedMillisreportInstanceValueDefnumber of millis it took to generate this report


reportInstanceValueDefAttribute assign ID of the marker attribute of the config (same owner as this attribute, but there could be many reports configured on one owner)
reportInstanceMillisSince1970reportInstanceValueDefmillis since 1970 that this report was run. This must match the timestamp in the report name and storage
reportInstanceSizeBytesreportInstanceValueDefnumber of bytes of the unencrypted report
reportInstanceFilenamereportInstanceValueDeffilename of report
reportInstanceFilePointerreportInstanceValueDefdepending on storage type, this is a pointer to the report in storage, e.g. the S3 address. note the S3 address is .csv suffix, but change to __metadata.json for instance metadata
reportInstanceDownloadCountreportInstanceValueDefnumber of times this report was downloaded (note update this in try/catch and a for loop so concurrency doesnt cause problems)
reportInstanceEncryptionKeyreportInstanceValueDefrandomly generated 16 char alphanumeric encryption key (never allow display or edit of this)
reportInstanceRowsreportInstanceValueDefnumber of rows returned in report
reportInstanceEmailToSubjectsreportInstanceValueDefsource::::subjectId1, source2::::subjectId2 list for subjects who were were emailed successfully (cant be more than 4k chars)
reportInstanceEmailToSubjectsErrorreportInstanceValueDefsource::::subjectId1, source2::::subjectId2 list for subjects who were were NOT emailed successfully, dont include g:gsa groups (cant be more than 4k chars)

Changes to group or folder drop down

Under folders or groups, in the more actions, should be "Reports", which goes to View reports screen.  Note we need to harmonize this with Shilen's group and folder reports.  Should they share a menu item?

View reports screen

This is the default screen.   Drop down with the following options:

  1. View reports
  2. Edit reports

Screen shows

  1. For all the configured reports, see if the current user can view them (wheel group or in the reportViewers group for the report), and if so, list the reports there, one line per report, with a link to the report page, and a link to the latest report download
  2. If there are no reports available, display a message "There are no reports you are allowed to view"
  3. Column for report name (clickable to report screen)
  4. Column for if enabled or not
  5. Column for last timestamp it was run (from report instance attribute)
  6. Column for status (SUCCESS?) (from report instance attribute)
  7. Column for number of rows in report (from report instance attribute)
  8. Column for cron schedule (from report config attribute)
  9. Column with drop down to download most recent report, view most recent report instance, report (report screen), report logs, enable/disable (group admins or wheel only)

Edit reports screen

  1. Only for wheel group
  2. Can pick a report to edit or can add a new.  Like the deprovisioning edit
  3. Drop down same as view reports screen

Report screen

  1. Can see if wheel user or in the reportViewers group for the report
  2. Show the report name and description
  3. Show table with most recent 100 entries with columns (from report instance attributes)
    1. Report name (same for each row)
    2. Timestamp (sorted descending)
    3. Download report link
    4. View report details link (goes to report instance screen)
    5. Status
    6. When the report run
    7. How many rows in report
  4. Show the settings in read only mode
  5. In right of screen have one actions drop down: download most recent report, view reports (report screen), report logs, enable/disable (group admins or wheel only), delete report (group admins or wheel only)

Report instance screen

  1. Clickable from Report screen or drop down in some of the report screens or from email to user
  2. Dropdown on right of screen: Download most recent report, view reports (report screen), report logs, enable/disable (group admins or wheel only)
  3. Show timestamp
  4. Show the report name and description
  5. Download link (if status SUCCESS)
  6. Show report instance attributes
    1. Friendly size of unencrypted report (e.g. 150kb or 1.5mb, there is a commons file utils method to generate this)
    2. Filename
    3. Row count
    4. Download count
    5. List of subject names that were emailed successfully (comma separated)
    6. List of subject names that were emailed unsuccessfully (comma separated)
    7. (only to wheel users) First 3 chars of encryption key (mask with commons util method with asterisks: b4W****************)

Report logs screen

  1. Clickable from Report screen or drop down in some of the report screens
  2. Can see screen if wheel user or in the reportViewers group for the report
  3. Show list of most recent 100 report logs from grouper loader log table
  4. Should be a table that looks like the grouper loader log screen
  5. Should have exception stack if there was an error


The report will take the SQL and columns and make a CSV with all the results.  Chris has this logic and will commit it in the branch.  This will be delivered as a download from browser

Report emails

If reports are being configured to be emailed, then the configured or default email will be sent.  Note, the actual report will not be attached in the email for security reasons.  A link to the report instance screen will be in the email.

Report storage

In 2.4 we dont want to add a new table to store files, so for people who want to use this feature the only option will be AWS S3 buckets or filesystem with the report encrypted.  We can add more storage options later


The deployer will need an AWS account, the free level might suffice

Need to configure the AWS creds in

Configure the AWS S3 bucket location


Configure the path where report files will be stored

Generic storage info

Inside there Grouper will create "folders"



Report encryption

To delete a report instance, delete the metadata and report data from storage.  If not it will be deleted eventually with a clean up daemon

When a report is deleted, delete all the metadata and report data from storage.   If not it will be deleted eventually with a clean up daemon

There are no direct links to reports, and they are encrypted anyways.  The only way to download reports is through the Grouper UI (or API), by authorized users.  This is a reverse proxy to the report storage.

Overall report daemon

The overall report daemon should go through storage, and

  1. Look for reports that have more than 100 instances, and delete the older ones (reports and metadata)
  2. Look for reports older than 30 days and delete (reports and metadata)


Audits should be added for reports creation/editing/downloading.  No audits for emails sent.  These audits should be linked to the group or folder where the report is configured


  1. As a grouper admin, how do I get the correct SQL?
    1. We will publish a lot of examples and increase the number of views Grouper has
  2. Can I join to external person tables to get extra attributes
    1. Absolutely, if you can ETL the data to your grouper database or maybe join over DB link then you will have extra attributes.  If people need LDAP attributes we can discuss that
    2. Note: columns in the report could also be group memberships (e.g. enrolled in MFA?  enrolled in Duo push?  required to be in MFA?  etc)

To Do later

See Also

Grouper Report showing summary of your installation