Update to Hibernate 3 Instructions

This is now committed to grouper HEAD.  Here are the steps to start using Hibernate3:

    1. Sync and get the new jars: hibernate3.2.6, i2micommon, asms, cglib, c3p0, ehcache, backport-util-concurrent.  Remove old jars (e.g. hibernate.3.2.5)

    2. Change the grouper.properties to use hib3 dao factory


    3. Change the grouper.hibernate.properties to use the hib3 ehcache, and hib3 dialect (in this example, mysql, but change this to whatever DB driver type you are using)

#hibernate.dialect                     = net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
hibernate.dialect                     = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect

#hibernate.cache.provider_class        = net.sf.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
hibernate.cache.provider_class        = org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider

    4. You must start using c3p0 database pooling (this is the only one we unit test with grouper with).  This means changing the grouper.hibernate.properties (feel free to set the c3p0 pool settings as you see fit.  Below is a safe version which should perform fine, but you can tune it to err on the side of performance if you like:

# Use DBCP connection pooling
#hibernate.dbcp.maxActive              = 16
#hibernate.dbcp.maxIdle                = 16
#hibernate.dbcp.maxWait                = -1
#hibernate.dbcp.whenExhaustedAction    = 1

# Use c3p0 connection pooling (since dbcp not supported in hibernate anymore)
# http://www.hibernate.org/214.html, http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/reference/en/html/session-configuration.html
hibernate.c3p0.max_size 16
hibernate.c3p0.min_size 0
hibernate.c3p0.timeout 100
hibernate.c3p0.max_statements 0
hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period 100
hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment 1
hibernate.c3p0.validate false

    5. Check your log4j.properties, if you have TRACE log on hibernate, change to ERROR.  If you have net.sf.hibernate, might want to change to org.hibernate.  Otherwise ignore.

log4j.logger.org.hibernate                                       = ERROR, grouper_error

Proposed objectives

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of hibernate, which is now 3.2.5
  2. Add consistency to how hibernate and db resources are handled
  3. Add support for transactions

Hibernate upgrade

Hibernate / DB resources

public Map findAllAttributesByGroup(String uuid)
    throws  GrouperDAOException
    Map attrs = new HashMap();
    try {
      Session hs  = Hib3DAO.getSession();
      Query   qry = hs.createQuery("from Hib3AttributeDAO as a where a.groupUuid = :uuid");
      qry.setCacheRegion(KLASS + ".FindAllAttributesByGroup");
      qry.setString("uuid", uuid);
      Hib3AttributeDAO a;
      Iterator              it = qry.iterate();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        a = (Hib3AttributeDAO) it.next();
        attrs.put( a.getAttrName(), a.getValue() );
    catch (HibernateException eH) {
      throw new GrouperDAOException( eH.getMessage(), eH );
    return attrs;
public void addType(GroupDTO _g, GroupTypeDTO _gt)
    throws  GrouperDAOException
    try {
      Session     hs  = Hib3DAO.getSession();
      Transaction tx  = hs.beginTransaction();
      try {
        hs.save(  // new group-type tuple
          new Hib3GroupTypeTupleDAO()
            .setGroupUuid( _g.getUuid() )
            .setTypeUuid( _gt.getUuid() )
        hs.saveOrUpdate( Rosetta.getDAO(_g) ); // modified group
      catch (HibernateException eH) {
        throw eH;
      finally {
    catch (HibernateException eH) {
      throw new GrouperDAOException( eH.getMessage(), eH );

Here is how it would look with inverse of control

public void addType(final GroupDTO _g, final GroupTypeDTO _gt)
    throws  GrouperDAOException {

        new HibernateHandler() {

          public Object callback(HibernateSession hibernateSession) {
            Session hs = hibernateSession.getSession();
            hs.save(  // new group-type tuple
                new Hib3GroupTypeTupleDAO()
                  .setGroupUuid( _g.getUuid() )
                  .setTypeUuid( _gt.getUuid() )
            hs.saveOrUpdate( Rosetta.getDAO(_g) ); // modified group
            //let HibernateSession commit or rollback depending on if problem or enclosing transaction
            return null;

public GroupDTO findByName(String name)
    throws  GrouperDAOException,
    try {
      Session hs  = Hib3DAO.getSession();
      //TODO CH 20080209 Change this to be one query, not two to attribute then group
      Query   qry = hs.createQuery("from Hib3AttributeDAO as a where a.attrName = 'name' and a.value = :value");
      qry.setCacheRegion(KLASS + ".FindByName");
      qry.setString("value", name);
      Hib3AttributeDAO a = (Hib3AttributeDAO) qry.uniqueResult();
      if (a == null) {
        throw new GroupNotFoundException("Cannot find group with name: '" + name + "'");
      return this.findByUuid( a.getGroupUuid() );
    catch (HibernateException eH) {
      throw new GrouperDAOException( eH.getMessage(), eH );

Here is how the code would look with inverse of control (notice how data is passed in and out of the anonymous block (final params, and a return object)

public GroupDTO findByName(final String name)
    throws  GrouperDAOException,
    Hib3AttributeDAO hib3AttributeDAO = (Hib3AttributeDAO)HibernateSession.callbackHibernateSession(
        new HibernateHandler() {

          public Object callback(HibernateSession hibernateSession) {
            Session hs  = hibernateSession.getSession();
            //TODO CH 20080209 Change this to be one query, not two to attribute then group
            Query   qry = hs.createQuery("from Hib3AttributeDAO as a where a.attrName = 'name' and a.value = :value");
            qry.setCacheRegion(KLASS + ".FindByName");
            qry.setString("value", name);
            Hib3AttributeDAO a = (Hib3AttributeDAO) qry.uniqueResult();
            return a;
    //this throws exception, keep out of
    GroupDTO groupDTO =  hib3AttributeDAO == null ? null : Hib3GroupDAO.this.findByUuid( hib3AttributeDAO.getGroupUuid() );
    //handle exceptions out of data access method...
    if (groupDTO == null) {
      throw new GroupNotFoundException("Cannot find group with name: '" + name + "'");
    return groupDTO;

For simple database actions (mainly single actions), there is a helper framework in HibernateSession to remove the need for inverse of control:

Here is the same block (note, transaction level can be configured, but there is an intelligent default):

public GroupDTO findByName(final String name)
    throws  GrouperDAOException,
            GroupNotFoundException {

    Hib3AttributeDAO hib3AttributeDAO = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic()
      .createQuery("from Hib3AttributeDAO as a where a.attrName = 'name' and a.value = :value")
      .setCacheRegion(KLASS + ".FindByName")
      .setString("value", name).uniqueResult(Hib3AttributeDAO.class);

    //this throws exception, keep out of
    GroupDTO groupDTO =  hib3AttributeDAO == null ? null : Hib3GroupDAO.this.findByUuid( hib3AttributeDAO.getGroupUuid() );
    //handle exceptions out of data access method...
    if (groupDTO == null) {
      throw new GroupNotFoundException("Cannot find group with name: '" + name + "'");
    return groupDTO;

Similarly for object based queries, there are helper classes/methods.  Here is an example:

public String create(GrouperSessionDTO _s)
    throws  GrouperDAOException
    try {
      Session       hs  = Hib3DAO.getSession();
      Transaction   tx  = hs.beginTransaction();
      Hib3DAO  dao = (Hib3DAO) Rosetta.getDAO(_s);
      try {
      catch (HibernateException eH) {
        throw eH;
      finally {
      return dao.getId();
    catch (HibernateException eH) {
      throw new GrouperDAOException( eH.getMessage(), eH );

This code will look like this:

public String create(GrouperSessionDTO _s)
    throws  GrouperDAOException {

    Hib3DAO  dao = (Hib3DAO) Rosetta.getDAO(_s);
    return dao.getId();

Add support for transactions

   * run multiple logic together
   * @param grouperSession
   * @param groupName
   * @param groupName2
   * @param displayExtension
   * @param groupDescription
  public void runLogic(GrouperSession grouperSession, String groupName,
      String groupName2, String displayExtension, String groupDescription) {
    try {

      //insert a group
      Group.saveGroup(grouperSession, groupDescription, displayExtension, groupName,
          null, SaveMode.INSERT, false);

      //insert another group
      Group.saveGroup(grouperSession, groupDescription, displayExtension, groupName2,
          null, SaveMode.INSERT, false);
    } catch (StemNotFoundException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Stem wasnt found", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);


   * show simple transaction
   * @throws Exception if problem
  public void testTransaction() {

    final GrouperSession rootSession = SessionHelper.getRootSession();
    final String displayExtension = "testing123 display";
    final String groupDescription = "description";
    final String groupName = "i2:a:testing123";
    final String groupName2 = "i2:b:testing124";

    try {
      R.populateRegistry(2, 2, 0);

      GrouperTest.deleteGroupIfExists(rootSession, groupName);
      GrouperTest.deleteGroupIfExists(rootSession, groupName2);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    //demonstrate passing back data with final array
    final Integer[] someInt = new Integer[1];

    //you can pass back one object from return
    String anythingString = (String) GrouperTransaction
        .callbackGrouperTransaction(new GrouperTransactionHandler() {

          public Object callback(GrouperTransaction grouperTransaction)
              throws GrouperDAOException {

            //everything in here will run in one transaction, note how to access "this"
            TestGroup0.this.runLogic(rootSession, groupName, groupName2,
                displayExtension, groupDescription);

            //pass data back from final array (if need more than just return value)
            someInt[0] = 5;

            //if return with no exception, then it will auto-commit.
            //if exception was thrown it will rollback
            //this can be controlled manually with grouperTransaction.commit()
            //but it would be rare to have to do that

            //pass data back from return value
            return "anything";


    System.out.println(anythingString + ", " + someInt[0]);