
Get attribute assignments.  These attributes can be on groups, stems, members, memberships (immediate or any), or attribute definitions.  If you want to retrieve attribute assignments assigned to other attributes, then pass a flag to the assignment lookup to include assignments on the returned assignments.

You can lookup attributes by attribute definition, attribute definition name, attribute assign id, or the owner lookup (e.g. group name or stem uuid).

All returned attribute assignments will be filtered for security based on the logged in or acted as user (security rules are on attribute framework wiki)

The returned data will include the attribute assignments, value(s) on those assignments, and a normalized list of references (owner objects e.g. group/stem/etc, attribute definitions, attribute names, etc)

You can lookup assignments by multiple owners, definitions, etc

AttributeAssignType is a required field, but cannot be an assignment on assignment, must be: group, member, stem, any_mem, imm_mem, attr_def


Get attribute assignments lite service

Get attribute assignments service