Download Grouper v1.5.0

Software release: [16-December-2009]

Release component


Grouper QuickStart v1.5.0

Designed to get a working demo up and running quickly. Contains the Grouper components, a demo database, a database engine, and setup instructions. Just add Tomcat and stir...

v1.5 Release Notes

Highlights of the v1.5.0 release, upgrade instructions, and detailed log of changes.

Grouper API Binary v1.5.0

Binary release of the Grouper Application Program Interface and associated utilities. Cf. Getting started with the Grouper API Binary Distribution

Grouper API Source v1.5.0

Contains the full source for the Grouper Application Program Interface, LDAPPC, Grouper Shell, and other associated utilities.

Grouper UI v1.5.0

Contains the full source for the Grouper Administrative and Lite User Interfaces.

Grouper WS v1.5.0

Contains the full source for the Grouper Web Services Interfaces.

Grouper Client v1.5.0

Client for Grouper LDAP and Web Services, in binary form. Grouper Client v1.5.0 source is also available.

Contributed Software

Provided by the Grouper community, in addition to the above core Grouper products.