





FIM4R gap assessment final document

Tour of InCommon TAC 2019 plans (Discussion/feedback -  led by Janemarie Duh, Keith Wessel, InCommon TAC Co-chairs)  

Q: is TAC keeping in mind the FIM4R response as they plan for 2019?
A: yes, TAC will review that document again

Federation 2.0 Working Group

Setting Priorities  

Janemarie thanks CACTI for the good questions and discussion.

Rest of the agenda saved for future call

Communications opportunities on T&I roadmap planning (Discussion - 10 min - various)

Closing out the MACE-Dir transition work

  1. Need a volunteer to:

    1. Get list of authors as complete as possible - work with Keith Hazelton and David Bantz

    2. Work with Keith Hazelton to resolve any remaining comments

    3. Work with librarian to get the sunset planning doc published in the TI document repository

    4. Follow up with REFEDS on the following items to ensure progress is being made, report back to CACTI:

      1. New mailing list

      2. Schema editorial board governance

      3. Transfer of assets (see sunset planning doc for full list)

        1. Namespaces / registries (URN/OID)

          1. Chris' work on Les' URN recommendations - status check

        2. Schema (edu*)

        3. Other web content - MACE-Dir wiki,

additional future topics:

  1. Proposal to focus OIDC-Deployment working group on a deployment guide for the Shibboleth OIDC extension (Nathan )

Next CACTI Call : Tues Feb 19, 2019