There are two parts here (at least), the grouper part which is needed either way (in groovy or java), and the visualization part.  You have the visualization part in graphviz which has two downsides:

1. Command line,

2. (is this true?) non-interactive.  Nick has used D3 a bit I believe and thinks it could work (right?) 


  2. This one looks good, auto-lays out, draggable, on mouseover it puts metadata and links on the left
  3. Clickable
  4. Draggable and metadata on right
  5. D-3 graphviz
  6. D-3 graphviz example



Note from Chad Nov 30, 2018
I just tried out the grouper-graph code last night. Just for kicks I grabbed a Grouper Training Environment image for it to work on some sample data. It works great! I just needed to escape the & in the urls in the svg but otherwise no problems. it's an amazing way to get a quick understanding of the whole system (and may be useful to add to GTE docs as well). Great work!

I took a quick look at the code, and to me it looks in great shape already :) Maybe where I can help is plugging this into the UI. If you have design ideas, I can implement whatever you come up with. Also, I could help converting the groovy code to Java. But I think groovy has a compiler to create a Java class from a script, so there is that option too. I don't know yet how the graph-viz js will work -- hopefully it will just build a standalone js file that can be added to the project.