As of v1.0.0, if you would like to publish mostly static content, such as policy documents or help information, as part of the Registry, you may do so by placing these documents in /local/View/Pages/public. Each document should end with the extension .ctp (Cake Template) and may contain HTML (including JavaScript) and PHP.

Once uploaded, documents are accessible without authentication at http://yourserver/registry/pages/public/filename, with or without the .ctp extension.

Do not use this mechanism for accessing the Registry database. Only present public, generally static information, otherwise you risk compromising Registry security and exposing restricted information.

If you need to work with Registry content, you most likely need to write a Registry Plugin.

Publishing Images and Other Media

Images or any other static content may be served from the /local directory much as described above.  Follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory in which to store your media in /local/webroot/, for example /local/webroot/media.
  2. Create a symlink to the directory within /app/webroot to allow the webserver to serve these files

    cd app/webroot
    ln -s ../../../local/webroot/media

  3. Ensure that /local/webroot/media is owned by the web server user (e.g. apache)