This is here for historical purposes.

If a group is created somewhere in an "etc" or "ref" folder, add the do_not_provision_to attribute with values of "ad" and "ldap"

Note, make sure you are not using "smart quotes or dashes".  You can disable these in a Mac in Preferences->keyboard-text.


First off you need GrouperSystem to be able to access the API in rules:

# configure some group = etc:hasAccessToApiInEl

put GrouperSysAdmin in that group:

Example1: UI example of a multi-assign single-valued attribute (this IS what PSPNG does)

Create a rule on some ancestor folder:

Text:  note: there are two sets of curlies because if you have multiple statements you need to put them in another set of curlies

ruleActAsSubjectId       GrouperSystem 
ruleActAsSubjectSourceId g:isa 
ruleCheckStemScope       SUB 
ruleCheckType            groupCreate 
ruleIfConditionEl        ${groupName.contains(":etc:") || groupName.contains(":ref:")} 
ruleThenEl               ${ { group.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to", "ldap"); group.getAttributeDelegate().addAttributeByName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to").getAttributeAssign().getValueDelegate().assignValueString("ad"); }} 
ruleValid                T 

If I create a group in that parent folder in an "etc" or a "ref" folder, it will get some attributes

Example2: UI example of a single-assign multi-valued attribute (this is NOT what PSPNG does)

Create a rule on some ancestor folder:

Text:  note: there are two sets of curlies because if you have multiple statements you need to put them in another set of curlies

ruleActAsSubjectId       GrouperSystem 
ruleActAsSubjectSourceId g:isa 
ruleCheckStemScope       SUB 
ruleCheckType            groupCreate 
ruleIfConditionEl        ${groupName.contains(":etc:") || groupName.contains(":ref:")} 
ruleThenEl               ${ { group.getAttributeValueDelegate().addValueString("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to", "ldap"); group.getAttributeValueDelegate().addValueString("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to", "ad"); } } 
ruleValid                T 

If I create a group in that parent folder in an "etc" or a "ref" folder, it will get some attributes