Fast Feedback Session

These are tightly timed, quick presentations with feedback from the audience on the topic presented. The goal is to allow the presenter to gather feedback on a given idea or issue from the membership at large. It is a chance to get brainstorming on one topic by many people. It is also a chance to find people who might want to have a longer conversation or who might provide more information or help.

  1. (time 0:00) Start
  2. (time 0:01) State the broad context: EA Practice, Strategic Planning, Technical Environment Question, etc. and state what the outcome you want is. 1 minute
  3. (time 0:06) Presentation of idea or issue 5 minutes
  4. (time 0:10) Clarifying Questions from audience 4 minutes
  5. (time 0:12) Think by yourself time aka "I" Time 2 minutes
  6. (time 0:15) Small group brainstorm Time 3 minutes
  7. (time 0:25) Feedback to presenter 10 minutes

Alternate timing: could add 5 minutes to the small group brainstorming to get to 30 minutes.