Run Match Setup

Run the Match configuration script. Be sure to enter the username that will be returned by your web server's authentication engine. For example, under Apache this corresponds to $REMOTE_USER.

$ cd app
$ ./bin/cake setup
Enter administrator's login username
- Loading database schema from /srv/comanage/match-1.0.0-rc3/app/config/schema/schema.json
Database schema update successful
- Creating initial administrator permission
- Generating salt file
$ ./bin/cake schema_cache clear

setup is intended to be run once. After you run it, you should be able to login via the web interface and make whatever changes you need that way.

Running Setup Non-Interactively

Under certain circumstances, it may be desirable to run the setup script non-interactively, for example as part of an automated installation process. This is possible by passing command line flags to the setup shell. Note that all flags listed here must be passed for a completely non-interactive setup. Any missing flags will result in a prompt for the required value.

$ cd app
$ ./bin/cake setup --admin-username ""

Setup creates a salt file that, while not deliverable by the web server, must be readable by it. By default, this file is given 444 (world read) permission. As such, Match should not be installed on servers accessible by untrusted users.

Next Step

Installation is now complete. Login as an administrator to the administrative interface ( to set up the first Matchgrid.