The Trust and Identity Document Repository is found here.


Internet2 Trust and Identity's document stewardship process is intended to formalize the management of documents as they are drafted, proposed, vetted, and approved for use, and published for open access.  It is intended to address any documents that are products of work sponsored by Trust and Identity or one of its community advisory groups. Examples of such products include:

Note that any software documentation for developers and end users that is related to a specific release of the software, and is distributed with software, is vetted as part of the quality assurance process for the software release and is out of scope for Trust and Identity Document Stewardship. Documents describing software lifecycle management, overall system architecture, etc., however, are in scope.

CACTI (Community Architecture Committee for Trust and Identity) is charged with oversight of the document stewardship processes.

The foundational document establishing and governing the Document Stewardship process is found here (click on the link to the PDF).

Authorized Sponsors

Submissions to the Document Repository must be approved by a Sponsor.  The authorized Sponsors are::

Getting a Doc ID for a document that will go into the Repository

For a document that will eventually go into the repository, it is recommended to get a document ID and format the document with the needed components during the time that you are developing the document, prior to it being finalized. (You will submit the document to go into the repository later when it has been finalized and approved.)

Preparing a Document to go into the Repository

To prepare a document to go into the Document Repository:

1. The cover page should include this info below, though  only the Title, copyright and the licensing info are strictly required

                       Document Title:

Repository ID: 
Persistent URL:

Publication Date: 


Superseded documents:  

Proposed future review date: 

Subject tags: 

Note: You obtain the Repository ID, DOI, and Persistent URL from the librarian. 

2. This copyright and licensing info must be on the first page of the document  (where <year> is the current year).

© <year> Internet2 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

See example HERE (note: this example lacks the DOI on the document) or HERE

3. When the document review phase is complete, and the sponsor has approved the final version, then the document is ready to be put in the repository.
Send the document to  in both of these formats

  1. text (preferred) or HTML

       2. PDF, unless that is not appropriate for the specific document

4. After you submit the document in two formats of the document to the librarian, she or he will attach them to the corresponding page in the repository and those will become the authoritative copies. 

Here is an example of a repository page that has the attachment of the authoritative doc.

When it's time to update a document

An updated document is a new document with its own new row in the document repository, even though much of its content may be the same as the original document. 
Just as with the original document, the update is subject to review and approval, as specified by its sponsor.

There are a few of things to note:

Additional Info

Working group chair and flywheel guidelines with regard to the Document Stewardship process are found here.

Please contact David Walker <> or Emily Eisbruch <> for more information.

Document Stewardship Process - Framework Docs

See Also

Consultations Home

Community Review of the Doc Stewardship plans

Guidelines for Trust and Identity Working Group Chairs and Flywheels