Enrollment Sources are Organizational Identity Source plugins attached to Enrollment Flows. How they are used depends on how they are configured when attached.

To manage Enrollment Sources, edit the desired Enrollment Flow and click Attach Org Identity Sources. (If no Organizational Identity Sources are defined, this button will not be available.) Existing configured Organizational Identity Sources will be available to attach to the Enrollment Flow, with the Mode as follows:

Unauthenticated Petitioners may not query Organizational Identity Sources.

Enrollment Sources configured in AuthenticateClaim, or Select mode run as part of the Select Org Identity step. If both Authenticate and Claim Sources are configured, Authenticate Sources will be queried first. Select Sources are mutually exclusive with Authenticate or Claim Sources, the Enrollment Authorization (see above) will decide which Sources are queried if more than one type is attached.

Enrollment Sources configured in either Search mode will be queried as part of the Check Eligibility step.

Except for Select Sources, identities linked via Enrollment Sources will not be recorded as the Enrollee Org Identity in the Petition artifact, though the identities will correctly link to the operational record.

Considerations When Sources Are Connected to Pipelines

If an Enrollment Source is connected to a Pipeline, Registry will attempt to determine the correct behavior with regard to linking CO Person records.

If the Enrollment Flow is configured in such a way that a CO Person is identified prior to the Enrollment Source being executed (for example if Identity Matching is set to Select), then the Pipeline will use that CO Person instead of creating a new one.

Otherwise, after the Pipeline runs (but before any additional attributes are collected), if the Pipeline created a CO Person that person will be attached to the Petition. In such a configuration, the Enrollment Flow should not collect any Organizational Identity or CO Person attributes, otherwise disconnected identities may be created.

Refreshing After Initial Enrollment

It is possible to configure an Enrollment Flow to query Enrollment Sources after an initial enrollment has taken place. This is useful to (eg) check for subsequent eligibility from an external data source established after initial enrollment. To configure such an Enrollment Flow

Refreshing can also be performed via Registry Job Shell.