Thursday, August 31, 2017

Action Items from Past Meetings

(AI) TAC should review the IdP strategy document (

(AI) TAC should review the information for IdPs on the wiki and consider useful additions and revisions.


Attending: Mark Scheible, Keith Wessel, Tom Mitchell, Tom Barton, Eric Goodman, Jim Jokl, Janemarie Duh, Mike Grady, Kim Milford, Walter Hoehn, Steve Carmody

With: Dean Woodbeck, Ann West, Nick Roy, Ian Young, IJ Kim, Steve Zoppi, Shannon Roddy, Dave Shafer

Today's Action Items

(AI) TAC members read the thread “documenting integrations” on the TAC email list.

Previous Minutes

The minutes from last meeting (Aug. 16) were approved via the wiki


Nick introduced Shannon Roddy -- new Trust and Identity Service IT security lead. He started this week.

Ann reported on the beginning of a pilot (in September) for single sign-on access to the Certificate Service Manager for campus RAOs, as well as MFA capability. The pilot will run during September and is expected to move to production in October/November.

WG Chair and Flywheel Responsibilities

Janemarie has incorporated suggestions into the responsibilities document and has asked for those to be published.

Working Groups

Attributes for Collaboration and Federation - Mark Scheible and Ann West have talked with several individuals about participating in this working group. Mark hopes to finalize the membership next week.

Streamlining SP Onboarding - Tommy Roberson from Baylor and Garrett King from Carnegie Mellon have agreed to co-chair this working group. Once a flywheel assignment is made, they will set up a call day/time.

Deployment Profile - This group has a number of things in flight. Scott Cantor has submitted OASIS draft for identifiers. Should have a full agenda for the WG meeting at TechEx.

Review of Shibboleth Consortium Support Channel Announcement

There was general discussion about the pending change in support from the Shibboleth Consortium and the call for individual campuses to join. Some have already responded, with a general comment that consortium membership is a bargain.

There is concern that having to sign an agreement could complicate things, as it would require legal and procurement reviews on campuses. One suggestion is to somehow make this part of the InCommon legal agreement.

Steve Zoppi reported that the consortium is setting up a method for online donations that could include support. This would be different than joining the consortium, but would avoid signing the agreement.

Face to Face Agenda Items for TechEx

Prospective TAC members

Current TAC members


(AI) TAC members read the thread “documenting integrations” on the TAC email list.

Next Meeting - September 14 - 1 pm ET