v2.1.0 - 2017-08-08

This release of the InCommon Federation Manager brings sweeping visual changes to the Site Admin portion of the site, which should provide a drastically improved user experience for InCommon customers. Major improvements include:


v2.0.0 - 2017-05-23

While most users will not see any difference to the application, please rest assured that the InCommon staff is using the improved user interface which you should start to see with the version 2.1 release.  We chose to deploy and adopt the staff-facing UI first - to ensure that we are satisfied with the work before exposing the changes to our customers.  Major improvements include:

  1. Moved Federation Manager codebase into Internet2’s GitHub Enterprise account to allow flexible developer collaboration and ease automation for deployments

  2. Added Twitter Bootstrap semantics to the RA interface in preparation for future design/workflow changes

  3. Added Docker containerization utilities in preparation for our own containerized deployment of the application

  4. Provisioning changes will enable us to easily populate a staging version of the application with needed user accounts

  5. Changes to the application infrastructure to integrate with our cloud-based continuous integration pipeline and staging environment

  6. Integrated error messages in staging with Slack so developers and architects can quickly see issues that arise in that environment

  7. Dependency updates

  8. Performance improvements (elimination of duplicate database calls, etc.)