These are the action items from the most recent ITANA meeting.

Action Items - February 18, 2010

(AI) Tom will do a problem statement on the U.S. government's OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) compliance and distribute to ITANA. See Tom's email to the list
(AI) Scott will follow-up with Great Lakes to see what they did in OFAC. See Scott's email to the list
(AI) Tom and Keith will develop ESB Use Cases relative to Jasig.
(AI) Sue S - send Data Center Manager contact to Tom D
(AI) Jim P - ping Scott re: distance learning and Moodle
(AI) Jim will convene a meeting of the small group concerned with the potential F2F (Jim, Mike Daley, Ron, Eric). Next call is set for Monday, March 8, 3PM CST

Action Items - February 4, 2010
Carryover Action Items

(AI) Jim plans to follow up with the email list about who has participated in specific EA training sessions.

(AI) Keith, Ron, and Jim will develop a wiki page on workflow graphical modeling tools that includes sets of facets that will allow for the evaluation and grading of the tools. Update: Keith will talk to Ron and also post some items on the wiki workflow page.

Completed in the past cycle

(AI) Keith will set up a call to also include Piet, Jim, Eric, and Tom - they comprise a group that will identify campuses with operating workflow management systems, will develop a common set of interview questions, and will talk with the identified campuses and write-up the results.

(AI) Jim will compile the questions and comments posed concerning cloud computing and the Shel Waggoner discussion scheduled for March 18. He will place these on the wiki for review and also set up a phone call with Shel to build an agenda.

(AI-Ongoing) (FEBRUARY Start) _NOTE: This will refined into smaller AIs as the work starts up. Marina, Piet, Rich and Scott Fullerton will work on a group to identify campuses active in the area of EA frameworks, tools and repositories. They will also develop a common set of interview questions, talk with the identified campuses and write up the results. The first agenda item is to develop a focused scoping statement about tools, repositories and frameworks - definitions and our goal in each area.