The goal of this project is to centrally collect TIER data about Grouper deployment to help improve Grouper and give information to TIER constituents about Grouper usage.  As of Grouper 2.3 Patch 62, no information is automatically sent to TIER as we are waiting for TIER to have a production collector.  However, the Grouper UI has a new feature that allows local administrators to view some of the data that would be sent to TIER.


Overall Design

Instrumentation Thread

A new thread runs in each JVM process that keeps track of updates being made of various types:

The thread will update counts of these various types to the Grouper database every 1 hour by default (configured via - instrumentation.updateGrouperIntervalInSeconds).

Another configuration option will specify the increments to keep counts of (instrumentation.updateIncrements).  E.g. if we're keeping counts by 10 minutes or hour or day.  This also defaults to 1 hour.

This data in Grouper is kept for 30 days but configurable (instrumentation.retainData.days).


Grouper UI

Grouper administrators can view the counts gathered by the instrumentation thread in the Grouper UI.  Other users can also be given access by configuring

Under Quick Links, click on Miscellaneous and then click on Instrumentation.

At the top, it will show you each of your Grouper instances (currently Daemon and UI only).



The Last update column indicates the last time that the instrumentation thread for that instance updated the database with its counts.

Below that, you can view the overall counts for the various types.



The counts are displayed by day.  If you select a specific day, you can view hourly counts for that day.



Also, you can view the same data for each individual instance by clicking on the instance UUID.

Enable TIER collection

Note this will go to a test collector.  Shouldn't be used in production at the moment.

Get patches for 2.3 (24 and 25)

Set this in

otherJob.tierInstrumentationDaemon.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.instrumentation.TierInstrumentationDaemon
otherJob.tierInstrumentationDaemon.quartzCron = 0 0 2 * * ?

Technical Details

Discovery service

  serviceEnabled: true,
  endpoints: [
       uri: ""
       uri: ""









Collecting Counts
