The idea of minimal person data in the registry is driven by requirement # 10 and the idea that the data repository for IAM

 is comprised of a registry, a group and a ODS/MDM person data repository.  Data for IAM operations can go to or be

brought from the virtual combination of these three data repositories.   

 This is a final DRAFT doc.  Review is in-progress by TIER WORKGROUP


Diagram from May 2016 TIER Entity registry documents.

The three data classes defined include:

Why propose a minimal/thin Registry?  

Why not use a thick registry?  

This document focuses on TIER PERSON and TIER CLIENT entity can be extended to document other supported entity types. 

Requirement Document located for TIER registry and other TIER components  at  Requirements on an Entity Registry and Related Components


Entity Object-  person, institutional contact,  code client (thing calling API), service/privileged acct, IOT(device), etc. 


Entity Data Definition: 

               i.      Begin Time Stamp    

              ii.      End Time Stamp        

             iii.      Updating entity ID     

             iv.      Updating SOR           Identifies SOR (or Business area) of last update

Entity Type: person

Entity Type: application   (represent a thing that calls a TIER API)

Audit trail : or similar mechanism is required to be able to review and look at all changes to data.


Additional info for Virtual Organization consideration: 

  Notes on support for VOs and collaborations wrt Minimal Entity Registry Data

Requirement #57

Support for collaborations (as provided by central IT) can broadly be segmented into two categories;

"Simple" collaboration needs cover researchers on campus (ie: those who have campus NetIDs) collaborating with others on campus via access to campus managed services (email lists, documentation spaces, etc). In general, this functionality can be provided with a combination of (existing) group and person registry services, often with a minimal "service enablement" layer to allow authorized individuals to define the collaboration groups and map them into enabled services.

"Advanced" collaboration needs expand to include researchers not affiliated with the campus (ie: those who would leverage federated identity to participate), complex enrollment procedures (invitation, self signup, approval, etc), larger collaborations with delegation requirements, and finer grained service management. Meeting these needs often implies solutions like COmanage.