This page is an area to house relevant links and documents and to facilitate discussions around directions for instrumentation in the TIER releases.


TIER Instrumentation Phase 1 is currently being implemented according to this specification.


Questions for the next phase of instrumentation:

TIER recommendation for data privacy

TIER would like to expose data from the central collector in an anonymized public way.  The institution name will not be tied to its data.  But if the institution is identified in the instrumentation submission, TIER can contact the institution for example if there are patches that need to be applied.

Grouper instrumentation

Grouper instrumentation wiki.  Grouper will be sending a format like this:

  reportFormat: 1,
  component: "grouper",
  institution: "Penn",
  environment: "prod",
  version: "2.3.0",
  patchesInstalled: "api1, api2, api4, ws2, ws3",
  wsServerCount: 3,
  platformLinux: true,
  uiServerCount: 1,
  pspngCount: 1,
  provisionToLdap: true,
  registrySize: 12345678,
  transactionCountMemberships: 12432,
  transactionCountPrivileges: 432,
  transactionCountPermissions: 17,
  "instances" : [ { "uuid" : "uuid1",
                    "engineName" : "grouperUI",
                    "lastUpdate" : 1488825739828,
                    "newCounts" : [{"startTime" : 1486753200000, "UI_REQUESTS" : 30, "API_GROUP_ADD" : 5, "API_GROUP_DELETE" : 3},
                                   {"startTime" : 1486753800000, "UI_REQUESTS" : 300, "API_GROUP_ADD" : 2, "API_GROUP_DELETE" : 6},
                                   {"startTime" : 1486754400000, "UI_REQUESTS" : 3000, "API_GROUP_ADD" : 1, "API_GROUP_DELETE" : 2}]
                  { "uuid" : "uuid2",
                    "engineName" : "grouperUI",
                    "lastUpdate" : 1488825739829,
                    "newCounts" : []
                  { "uuid" : "uuid3",
                    "engineName" : "grouperWS",
                    "lastUpdate" : 1488825739829,
                    "newCounts" : []
                  { "uuid" : "uuid4",
                    "engineName" : "grouperWS",
                    "lastUpdate" : 1488825739829,
                    "newCounts" : []
                  { "uuid" : "uuid5",
                    "engineName" : "grouperLoader",
                    "lastUpdate" : 1488825739829,
                    "newCounts" : []