The goal of this project is to centrally collect TIER data about Grouper deployment to help improve Grouper and give information to TIER constituents about Grouper usage.

For Internet2 Technology Exchange in Miami in 2016 there was a goal to have basic information transmitted back to TIER on a daily basis.


Discovery service

  serviceEnabled: true,
  endpoints: [
       uri: ""
       uri: ""




  reportFormat: 1,
  component: "grouper",
  institution: "Penn",
  environment: "prod",
  version: "2.3.0",
  patchesInstalled: "api1, api2, api4, ws2, ws3",
  wsServerCount: 3,
  platformLinux: true,
  uiServerCount: 1,
  pspngCount: 1,
  provisionToLdap: true,
  registrySize: 12345678,
  transactionCountMemberships: 12432,
  transactionCountPrivileges: 432,
  transactionCountPermissions: 17

Schema on mysql (record table and attribute table)

Note: diagnostics should take into account generic daemon configs

Enable collection

Get patches for 2.3 (24 and 25)

Set this in

otherJob.tierInstrumentationDaemon.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.instrumentation.TierInstrumentationDaemon
otherJob.tierInstrumentationDaemon.quartzCron = 0 0 2 * * ?


Collecting UI Counts (under development)
