Note that this page has been deprecated. The information it contains is no longer current.

This page was last updated on February 26, 2017.

Responsiveness of Endpoints in IdP Metadata

This page lists SingleSignOnService endpoints in IdP metadata registered by InCommon. (Global metadata is not included in these lists.) Specifically, any SSO endpoint with one of the following SAML2 bindings is listed:

Each endpoint is probed and categorized as either responsive or non-responsive. See below for details.

Summary of IdP Endpoints
Summary of Non-Responsive IdP Endpoints

As a service to the community, InCommon Operations regularly probes endpoints in IdP metadata. The results of the latest probe are recorded in the tables below. By definition, an IdP endpoint is responsive if the curl error code is 0 and the HTTP response code is either 200 or 401. All other endpoints are categorized as non-responsive.

InCommon Site Administrators: If one or more of your IdP endpoints are non-responsive, please fix your IdP deployment and/or update your IdP metadata today! If you believe a result is in error, please contact us at

Click on a tab below to view a list of IdP endpoints. An IdP endpoint is on at most one of these lists.