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Usual VirtualBox text; use Bridged mode


Issue the following commands to configure Grouper:

cd work


A self-signed certificate will be created. To replace this with a different certificate, modify /home/grouper/etc/certs/server.crt and /home/grouper/etc/certs/server.key. 

Issue the following commands to run the container:

cd /home/grouper/build/grouper


Issue the following commands to run the container:

cd /home/grouper/run/


*** Wait for grouper to start. This can take a couple of minutes the first time

 Then browse to: https://YOUR-IP-OR-DNS/grouper/

Note: your first connection to this URL will be very slow and may time out - try again - be patient


Login: GrouperSystem/XXXXXXXXXX

See Grouper Training once you have successfully logged in