Internet2's Trust and Identity in Education and Research (TIER) initiative aims to build on and extend these investments, integrate existing community-developed solutions and enable participants to better provide and access services, both on- and off-campus.

TIER funding in Internet2 funds Grouper development.  The funders help pick the direction of Grouper development. 

TIER release 1 which coincided with Grouper v2.3 focused on packaging up the TIER components which include Grouper, Shibboleth, and COManage, into images and containers.

Grouper is packaged as what the installer delivers on a MySQL database.

The instructions handed over the packaging team to setup the applications are here

See the TIER packaging site for more information and download links

Future work includes using Shibboleth for UI authentication, configuring provisioning, user management with COManage, having an upgrade/patch process, etc.

Running the current VM

Discussion with Levvel August 1st, 2016

Testing a Grouper container