
  1. Record is created in institutional source system.
  2. Institutionally defined logic invokes the Person Registration and Update service
  3. Person Registration and Update service calls Orchestration Engine to invoke workflow for new source record registration
  4. Orchestration engine invokes search / match function to determine if there are candidate matches
    1. If search / match returns a definite match, orchestration engine calls registration function which binds source record to existing identity
    2. If search / match returns a possible match (verification required), orchestration engine invokes verification workflow
    3. If search / match returns no possible match, new registration function is called.
  5. Person / Affiliation / Identifier information is registered to the Person Information Store
  6. Orchestration engine triggers refresh of data-driven group information in the Groups Service
  7. Orchestration engine invokes rule-based provisioning in Provisioning Service
  8. Accounts and access are provisioned according to data-driven group membership