LIGO 2015 Grouper Use Update

Grouper has become absolutely central to the access management practices of LIGO. Amongst the authorization scenarios we support with Grouper groups are:

  • wiki read/write/create authz
  • mailing list subscriber and moderator lists
  • version control systems
  • multi-factor authentication login
  • ticketing systems 
  • our document control system
  • a variety of local applications

As well as our production implementation, we have a development version and a testing version as well.

Because Grouper is providing so much value to the collaboration already, and we have other high value development priorities, we have not upgraded Grouper since 1.4.2. We have been working on the upgrade to 2.2 on our test system, and expect to have a plan for migrating to 2.2 by the end of November and, hopefully, will have migrated by the end of 2015. The other major initiative which we have planned is a refactoring of our Grouper tree to more cleanly separate org-chart info from access control info.