Notes from the 7/10/2013 Cohortium Meeting

Date and Time

July 10, 2013, 2:00p-3:00p EDT

Agenda and Meeting Materials

2013-07-10 Cohortium Agenda


Action Items

  • David and Mike will be scheduling meetings for the subgroups.
  • David will create a "straw man" table on the wiki that Cohortium members can use to track each others' progress in implementing multi-factor authentication.  The strawman will be discussed at the next meeting.
  • Looking for community input on "Issues Identified and Lessons to Learn"


  • Talked about "Issues Identified and Lessons to Learn" ( ), and, more broadly, what we're aiming to learn in the next 6 months
    • Looking for your input on these
    • Presenting on these at the IDESG meeting July 24-26, 2013 at MIT
  • There was general concurrence with the Cohortium Work Schedule. Since we started the Cohortium a little later than expected, though, we will adjust the 8/13 dates to 9/13.
  • There was general interest in knowing where other Cohortium members in their plans for implementing multi-factor authentication.  We'll create a table on the wiki with columns indicating significant milestones so that members can enter their status as rows in the table.
  • No labels