This is the home of the InCommon/Quilt Technical Working Group

The content below was developed as a follow-on to discussions held in the Technical Breakout Sessions of the InCommon/Quilt Federation Workshop held February 7-8, 2013.


Project Terminology used in documents below to describe federation models and scenarios

Tech WG Documents

  • InC-Quilt Technical Options DRAFT.pdf
    Table listing different support options Regionals might provide to K-12 and Community Colleges depending on which federation scenario is followed, and the recommended resources and skill sets needed
  • Regional Federation Models.pdf
    Simple set of slides depicting the different federation scenarios that Regionals might support in working with K-12 and Community Colleges; includes a table that lists appropriate technical federation tools appropriate for each scenario
  • Proxy IdP-SP Slides.pdf
    PowerPoint slides diagramming the process flow for federated access of a user to an external resource (SP) through a Proxy IdP configuration
  • MDA Scenarios - v2.pdf
    PowerPoint slides with diagrams showing different federation scenarios and how the Metadata Aggregator tool might be used to create different exports of InCommon and Regional federation metadata
  • Proxy IdP versus MDA v2.pdf
    Comparison of the Pros and Cons of the two primary tools which could be used to interfederate a regional or state federation with InCommon – the SimpleSAMLphp Proxy IdP and the Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator
  • MDA Write-Up - Chris Giordano-Ian Young.pdf
    Excellent first-hand account by Chris Giordano of MOREnet, on installing and configuring the Shibboleth Metadata Aggregator (MDA) tool.  Additional comments and information/pointers provided by Ian Young of the UKfederation, who leads the Shibboleth MDA project.

Tech WG Meeting Notes

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