Community Update – InCommon Technical Advisory Committee
Friday, February 22, 2013
Noon ET | 11 am CT | 10 am MT | 9 am PT
The InCommon TAC will provide a quarterly update of its technical goals and discuss some of the projects currently underway. We'll provide you with an opportunity to contribute to these projects, and we are interested in your thoughts and discussion.
This one-hour session will include a general overview, plus information about three specific area in which groups have either continued work, or are starting to work:
- Interfederation
- Certificate manager tools
- Revised Assurance documents (v1.2)
Slide sharing and one-way audio will be available via Adobe Connect. If you wish to join the discussion, two-way audio is via the Internet2 phone bridge. Details are below. We look forward to your joining us on February 22.
Adobe Connect:
Dial-in Information:
734-615-7474 (please use if you don't pay for long distance)
866-411-0013 (toll-free US/Canada)
PIN: 0101010# (everyone joins on mute — press ##1 to unmute your phone)