This information is deprecated. It has been moved to the REFEDS Schema Board wiki:

# eduOrg Objectclass version 1.1 (2002-10-23)
# See for background and usage
# NOTE TO OpenLDAP DIRECTORY USERS (noted 2002-10-23)
#       If you have difficulty using this LDIF then you should try
#       changing the "attributetypes:" to "attributetype" and
#       "objectclasses:" to "objectclass" and retry...
# When modifying objectclass eduOrg -- 
#                we first must delete the objectclass
# and then re-add -- make sure all replicas are functioning.  Try to do this
# during an inactive period of services (if possible).
# Modifying schema may only affect the instance being modified -- 
#                     it may NOT replicate!
# check your server documentation to verify this.
# is the toplevel OID for this work
#	For a layout of the OID space, please refer to the
#	eduPerson objectclass LDIF.
#   May 01, 2002	( Original version 1.0 experimental
#   Oct 23, 2002	( fix typo in objectclass spec
#                                               changed tabs to spaces
#                                               add cn to objectclass
#                                               No longer experimental
#	This LDIF file makes modifications to the cn=schema tree
#	which should modify the user portion of the schema of your
#	directory (if that concept exists).  The LDIF is constructed
#	to perform this modification in one update.  Should any portion
#	fail, then the entire update will fail and no change should be
#	made.  The first part of the LDIF is to delete any attributes
#	that may have already been defined so that they can be readded
#	in the next section. Same methodology applies to the objectclasses
#	which follows.
#	This file contains lines with trailing spaces so that continuation
#	of lines work properly.  Please make sure this is respected or you
#	may have difficulty in applying the LDIF.
dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
# if you need to change the definition of an attribute, 
#            then first delete and re-add in one step
# if this is the first time you are adding the eduOrg
# objectclass using this LDIF file, then you should comment
# out the delete attributetypes modification since this will
# fail. Alternatively, if your ldapmodify has a switch to continue
# on errors, then just use that switch -- if you're careful
delete: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME 'eduOrgHomePageURI' )
attributetypes: ( NAME 'eduOrgIdentityAuthNPolicyURI' )
attributetypes: ( NAME 'eduOrgLegalName' )
attributetypes: ( NAME 'eduOrgSuperiorURI' )
attributetypes: ( NAME 'eduOrgWhitePagesURI' )
# re-add the attributes -- in case there is a change of definition
# "eduOrg" attributes
add: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrgHomePageURI' 
 DESC 'eduOrg per Internet2 and EDUCAUSE' 
 EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match 
 SYNTAX '' )
attributetypes: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrgIdentityAuthNPolicyURI' 
 DESC 'eduOrg per Internet2 and EDUCAUSE' 
 EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match 
 SYNTAX '' )
attributetypes: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrgLegalName' 
 DESC 'eduOrg per Internet2 and EDUCAUSE' 
 EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch 
 SYNTAX '' )
attributetypes: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrgSuperiorURI' 
 DESC 'eduOrg per Internet2 and EDUCAUSE' 
 EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match 
 SYNTAX '' )
attributetypes: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrgWhitePagesURI' 
 DESC 'eduOrg per Internet2 and EDUCAUSE' 
 EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match 
 SYNTAX '' )
# eduOrg objectclass definition
# can only be done after attributes established
# if this is the first time you are adding the eduOrg
# objectclass using this LDIF file, then you should comment
# out the delete objectclasses modification since this will
# fail. Alternatively, if your ldapmodify has a switch to continue
# on errors, then just use that switch -- if you're careful
delete: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrg' 
# now re-add the objectclass properly defined.
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( 
 NAME 'eduOrg' 
 MAY ( cn $ eduOrgHomePageURI $ 
 eduOrgIdentityAuthNPolicyURI $ eduOrgLegalName $ 
 eduOrgSuperiorURI $ eduOrgWhitePagesURI $ 
# end of LDIF
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