Valid for Grouper v2.6.18+

This is the lite version of this implementation

This is an example of how an institution would make a provisioner that is not included in the Grouper Provisioning Framework.  If you have something that is generic that others can leverage, maybe we should add it to the Grouper product.  If your needs are specific to your institution, this is what you need to do.

This example is based on requirements posted to the slack channel from University of Minnesota.

All the code is included in Grouper, so you can see the source code.  Though this provisioner is not enabled, it is intended as an example.

Example WS source code

Example WS test source code

Table of contents

WS spec

The first step is to identify and document the WS spec.  Proof of concepts of calling the WS could be done.

In this case there is one operation, a REPLACE of members for a group

It is assumed that authentication is basic auth.

HTTP method

PUT /path/endpoint/<SOURCE>/<ROLE>

HTTP body

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Design the target representation of objects

Plan out which operations of the WS will be used for Grouper and how.

There is one operation, so we will use that (smile)

The <SOURCE> will be configured for the provisioner instance.  If you want to provision to multiple sources, make another provisioner.  This is an assumption and could be metadata or based on a parent folder or whatever.

The <ROLE> will be the sole attribute of the target representation of the group.  We will translate this from the extension of the group.  Again this is an assumption.  Figure out how you want to translate based on your requirements.

Target group representation
rolegroup extensionThe provisioner will put this attribute in the role spot in the URL

The provisioning type will be membershipObjects.  We could have probably used groupAttributes, but this is what we did.  The membershipObject will have two attributes.

Target membership representation
rolegroup extensionThe provisioner needs this to differentiate memberships from one group to another.  Needs a tuple
netIDentity subjectIdentifierThe main subject identifier defaults to the subject source subjectIdentifier0.  Will make the XML based on these

We are not selecting or changing entities and there is a straight translation from grouper provisioning entities (subjectIdentifier0) so we don't need to define a target representation of entities.

Custom external system

Note, this is optional.  You dont need an external system to make your provisioner.  It is nice to have one to see it in the UI, test it, re-use it, etc.  If you dont create an external system, just reference whatever properties you need from a grouper config file, and set those in the config file or configuration screen in the UI.

In this case we could probably re-use a built in Grouper basic auth WS external system.  However, to show how to make your own, we will just implement one anyways

  1. Implement the external system - note, the test method in this case uses the DAO implementation below... this is very circular.  You could implement something simple here instead if you like...
  2. Register this external system in (config id doesnt matter)

    grouperExtraExternalSystem.exampleWsExternalSystem.class =
  3. Register a file which has the spec for the external system wizard
    1. The path must be the same path as your External System implementation (identify some java package that is your own).  So you might start with edu/upenn/penngroups/myProvisioner if you were at penn...
    2. The filename is: grouper.extraMetadata.externalSystem.<externalSystemConfigIdAbove>.properties

  4. Then in that file, identify which properties you need.  In this case we will implement testing of the external system which will just all a method on it.  In this case we will just replace a group memberships.  In yours you might have a less heavy method to call.
    1. Look in the base properties files of Grouper for examples of the metadata (the JSON commented out above each property).  Note this file has all commented out properties, not actual properties

      ## example external system
      # endpoint prefix
      # {valueType: "string", required: true}
      # grouper.exampleWsExternalSystem.myExampleExternalSystem.endpointPrefix =
      # user name
      # {valueType: "string", required: true}
      # grouper.exampleWsExternalSystem.myExampleExternalSystem.userName =
      # password
      # {valueType: "password", sensitive: true, required: true}
      # grouper.exampleWsExternalSystem.myExampleExternalSystem.password =
      # test source
      # {valueType: "string", required: false}
      # grouper.exampleWsExternalSystem.myExampleExternalSystem.testSource =
      # test role
      # {valueType: "string", required: false}
      # grouper.exampleWsExternalSystem.myExampleExternalSystem.testRole =
      # comma separated net ids
      # {valueType: "string", required: false}
      # grouper.exampleWsExternalSystem.myExampleExternalSystem.testNetIds =
  5. You can externalize that text in

    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.title = Example WS external system
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.endpointPrefix.label = Endpoint
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.endpointPrefix.description = This is the prefix of the endpoint before the source and role, e.g. http://localhost:8080/grouper/mockServices/exampleWs
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.userName.label = Username
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.userName.description = Basic auth username
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.password.label = Password
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.password.description = Basic auth password
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.testSource.label = Test source
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.testSource.description = When hitting the 'test' button this is the source that will be sent
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.testRole.label = Test role
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.testRole.description = When hitting the 'test' button this is the role that will be sent
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.testNetIds.label = 
    config.ExampleWsExternalSystem.attribute.testNetIds.description = When hitting the 'test' button these are the netID's that will be sent

  6. Now you can see the external system in the UI and configure one

  7. Test the external system (note, this relies on the Mock and provisioner implementation below)

Mock service

In Grouper, when we maintain mock services for all our WS based provisioners.  We do this so we can easily and quickly unit test locally without needing accounts or environments.  This is optional.  If you want to do that, it is the first step.

Note you need to setup your development environment to run tomcat and the grouper webapp or deploy this to one of your environments at your institution.

Implement the mock service class

private static void createMockExampleTable(DdlVersionBean ddlVersionBean, Database database) {
    final String tableName = "mock_example_ws";

    try {
      Table loaderTable = GrouperDdlUtils.ddlutilsFindOrCreateTable(database, tableName);
      GrouperDdlUtils.ddlutilsFindOrCreateColumn(loaderTable, "group_name", Types.VARCHAR, "256", true, true);
      GrouperDdlUtils.ddlutilsFindOrCreateColumn(loaderTable, "net_id", Types.VARCHAR, "256", true, true);
      GrouperDdlUtils.ddlutilsFindOrCreateColumn(loaderTable, "source", Types.VARCHAR, "256", true, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {

The other steps in the source file:

  1. Implement the server side of basic auth
  2. Check to see if table there, and if not, create it
  3. Operation for replace memberships which parses XML and inserts/deletes in table
  4. Linking the path and method to that operation

To link this mock server to the Grouper mock system and run it:

  1. Register the mock server in (myExampleWsMock is the config id, any config id is fine)

    grouperExtraMockServer.myExampleWsMock.class =
    grouperExtraMockServer.myExampleWsMock.path = exampleWs
  2. Enable mocks in your env in (UI or WS, we generally use UI but should work in WS too) = true
  3. Tell the mock server which external system (credentials) it is in (see code for this mock service)

    grouperTest.exampleWs.mockExternalSystem.configId = myExampleExternalSystem1
  4. Now you can hit this server just like the spec! (smile)

  5. We can see this mock data in the database

Provisioner wizard

This enables you to have a custom wizard for your provisioner.  This is optional

  1. The ProvisioningConfiguration class identifies the configs for this provisioner.  It also specifies the startWiths (optional) explained below
  2. Register the provisioner in the

    grouperExtraProvisionerConfiguration.exampleWsProvisionerConfig.class =
  3. These are the properties and json metadata needed for this provisioner.  Pick keys that differentiate this provisioner from others (see myExampleWs in there?).  The file must be in the same Java package as the provisioner, and must be named like this:  where exampleWsProvisionerConfig is the config ID of the provisioner registered above in the  Note the drop down for attribute names for group and membership are just copied from the base config, the configID is changed, and the drop down is added with the valid attribute names

    # provisioner class
    # {valueType: "class", required: true, readOnly: true}
    # provisioner.myExampleWsProvisioner.class =
    # Example WS external system endpoint
    # {valueType: "string", required: true, order: 19, formElement: "dropdown", optionValuesFromClass: ""}
    # provisioner.myExampleWsProvisioner.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId =
    # This is the 'source' part of URL to the service: PUT /path/endpoint/<SOURCE>/<ROLE>
    # {valueType: "string", required: true, order: 20}
    # provisioner.myExampleWsProvisioner.exampleWsSource =
    # Name of the attribute
    # {valueType: "string", order: 21000, required: true, showEl: "${operateOnGrouperGroups && numberOfGroupAttributes > $i$}", formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ["role"], repeatGroup: "targetGroupAttribute", repeatCount: 20}
    # provisioner.myExampleWsProvisioner.targetGroupAttribute.$i$.name =
    # Name of the attribute
    # {valueType: "string", order: 5710, required: true, showEl: "${operateOnGrouperMemberships && numberOfMembershipAttributes > $i$}", formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ["role", "netID"], repeatGroup: "targetMembershipAttribute", repeatCount: 20}
    # provisioner.myExampleWsProvisioner.targetMembershipAttribute.$i$.name =
  4. You can externalize that text in .  Note the ExampleWsProvisionerConfiguration is the classname defined above

    config.ExampleWsProvisionerConfiguration.title = Example replace WS
    config.ExampleWsProvisionerConfiguration.attribute.exampleWsSource.label = Example WS source
    config.ExampleWsProvisionerConfiguration.attribute.exampleWsSource.description = Source part of the URL for this service
    config.ExampleWsProvisionerConfiguration.attribute.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId.label = WS external system
    config.ExampleWsProvisionerConfiguration.attribute.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId.description = External system that this provisioner points to
  5. Now you will see the provisioner in the wizard screen with any extra configs

Configure the provisioner

This provisioner needs to:

  • Not really do much with entities
  • Not insert/update/delete groups
  • Just replace memberships
  • Map the role and netID

provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.class =
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.customizeGroupCrud = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.customizeMembershipCrud = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.deleteGroups = false
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.deleteMemberships = false
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId = myExampleExternalSystem1
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.exampleWsSource = mySource
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.insertGroups = false
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.insertMemberships = false
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.logAllObjectsVerbose = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.membership2AdvancedOptions = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.membershipMatchingIdExpression = ${new('edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.collections.MultiKey', targetMembership.retrieveAttributeValueString('role'), targetMembership.retrieveAttributeValueString('netID'))}
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.numberOfGroupAttributes = 1
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.numberOfMembershipAttributes = 2
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.operateOnGrouperGroups = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.operateOnGrouperMemberships = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.provisioningType = membershipObjects
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.replaceMemberships = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.selectGroups = false
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.selectMemberships = false
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.showAdvanced = true
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.startWith = this is start with read only
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.subjectSourcesToProvision = jdbc = role
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.targetGroupAttribute.0.translateExpressionType = grouperProvisioningGroupField
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.targetGroupAttribute.0.translateFromGrouperProvisioningGroupField = extension = role
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.targetMembershipAttribute.0.translateExpressionType = grouperProvisioningGroupField
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.targetMembershipAttribute.0.translateFromGrouperProvisioningGroupField = extension = netID
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.targetMembershipAttribute.1.translateExpressionType = grouperProvisioningEntityField
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.targetMembershipAttribute.1.translateFromGrouperProvisioningEntityField = subjectIdentifier
provisioner.exampleWsProvTest.updateGroups = false

Unit test the provisioner

Based on the exported config, and the mock server (or real service if there is a test env), we can create a unit test

Make a "start with"

Based on the exported config, consider what needs to be asked in the start with. 

  1. Configure the wizard properties in the template grouper-loader file for this provisioner (same file that provisioner wizard properties are in):

    ## provisioner startWith - example ws properties
    # Example ws start with config
    # {valueType: "string", order: 15, readOnly: true}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.startWith = exampleWs
    # This is the example ws external system config id
    # {valueType: "string", required: true, order: 20, formElement: "dropdown", optionValuesFromClass: ""}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId =
    # This is the 'source' part of URL to the service: PUT /path/endpoint/<SOURCE>/<ROLE>
    # {valueType: "string", required: true, order: 50}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.exampleWsSource =
    # This is the 'role' part of URL to the service: PUT /path/endpoint/<SOURCE>/<ROLE>
    # {valueType: "string", required: true, order: 60, formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ["extension", "id", "idIndex", "idIndexString", "name", "other", "script"]}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.groupTranslation =
    # This is the 'netID' part of the body of the request
    # {valueType: "string", order: 70, required: true, formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ["other", "script", "subjectId", "subjectIdentifier0", "subjectIdentifier1", "subjectIdentifier2"]}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.entityTranslation =
    # Add disabled full sync daemon?
    # {valueType: "boolean", order: 100, defaultValue: "true"}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon =
    # Add disabled incremental sync daemon?
    # {valueType: "boolean", order: 200, defaultValue: "true"}
    # provisionerStartWith.exampleWs.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon =
  2. Register the "start with" in the provisioner configuration

     public final static Set<String> startWithConfigClassNames = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
      static {
      public List<ProvisionerStartWithBase> getStartWithConfigClasses() {
        List<ProvisionerStartWithBase> result = new ArrayList<ProvisionerStartWithBase>();
        for (String className: startWithConfigClassNames) {
          try {
            Class<ProvisionerStartWithBase> configClass = (Class<ProvisionerStartWithBase>) GrouperUtil.forName(className);
            ProvisionerStartWithBase config = GrouperUtil.newInstance(configClass);
          } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;
  3. Implement the logic of the "start with"
  4. Add externalized text to = Example replace WS 'start with'
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId.label = WS external system
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.exampleWsExternalSystemConfigId.description = External system that this provisioner points to
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.exampleWsSource.label = Example WS source
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.exampleWsSource.description = Source part of the URL for this service
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.groupTranslation.label = Role translation
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.groupTranslation.description = How is the group "role" translated
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.entityTranslation.label = NetID translation
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.entityTranslation.description = How is the entity "netID" translated
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon.label = $$config.GenericConfiguration.attribute.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon.label$$
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon.description = $$config.GenericConfiguration.attribute.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon.description$$
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon.label = $$config.GenericConfiguration.attribute.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon.label$$
    config.ExampleWsProvisioningStartWith.attribute.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon.description = $$config.GenericConfiguration.attribute.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon.description$$
  5. See the "start with" in action

Implement the configuration subclass for provisioner properties

This is a javabean for the provisioner configuration.  This is used in your DAO code

Implement the DAO

The DAO is the operations that communicate with the target and convert the native data (in this case JSON) with the provisioning object model in the target representation

Implement the provisioner class which identifies the other classes

This is the main provisioner class.  It identifies which parts of the provisioner are customized

See the provisioner in action

In this case the provisioner calls a web service that uses a database to store the data.  When the provisioner runs, this is what the data looks like...

  • No labels