Attending: Etan Weintraub, Brian Arkills, Chris Dalansky (CMU), Shilen Patel, Erica Carolyn Ohman, Paul Riddle (UMBC), Ethan Kromhout, Marcus Mizushima,
Etan: Main discussion for today is the Key Linked IdP Scenarios document, we are pretty much completely done. Majeed just filled his row out, that is very similar to the one Brian has. Brian were you able to reach out to Majeed at all about this?
Brian: I reached out to him, but I didn't get any response.
Etan: OK. Maybe we can combine the two rows because things are similar.
Brian: I think the difference is only because of the way they are doing the two factor. They are doing something with the claim back through the various IdP's to trigger the two factor. I need to review it a bit more closely to see the uniqueness.
Etan: We need Majeed to report on scenario 6 or we need to figure it out to have some one else fill it out. I also need to update the ADFS to Shib to say specifically that no one in the working group is doing it. Rob filled out his. Remaining tasks were to get the missing ones filled out, and then I had a task to add an intro paragraph to the document. I actually did that and shared with Brian, here it is (shared on screen) anyone have any thoughts/comments/corrections for this paragraph as an intro?
Etan: Ok, see people are talking in chat, I see Marcus has said it looks good. Since there is no dissent, can people vocally approve this intro paragraph? I see thumbs up from Brian.
Erica: I approve.
Paul: I approve.
Shilen: I approve.
Etan: Should we add paragraph to the top or have them as separate document?
Group discussed that it should be combined unless there is a need to have it separate. Etan added to top of document.
Marcus: For the one that no one in the working group does it, we should probably remove the part of "we don't recommend it" since we are saying we aren't providing recommendations.
Etan: Makes sense. Updating to clear recommendations or lack there of.
Etan: OK, also removing the breakout pages column since we don't have any in there. I will sort and remove the scenario IDs after we are done. Majeed sent an email that he's going to get his last one in to finish it off. So assuming that gets filled out, I'm gonna go through, sort it, and send an email to the mailing list saying last call for checks before we send this up to cacti, I think we send it up to them to approve before we move it from the private section, but I'll figure that out with Rob. Brian - anything to add?
Brian: No, I appreciate you taking this meeting mostly under your wing.
Etan: Look, I appreciate having the back up in the support. I do wanna thank everyone for their feedback and input into this. Hopefully we will have another meeting on the 7th and that'll hopefully be our last meeting. We will see when we can get on to Cacti's agenda to go over it with them and get their feedback and bring it back to us for final edits. Thanks all. I'm going to sit here in the meeting and wait for Rob to go over a few things with him when he gets out of his meeting that caused a conflict.
Etan Weintraub (
Marcus Mizushima