The Novi Organizational Identity Source Plugin is designed to integrate with the Novi Association Management Software platform using the Novi AMS API.


Org Identity Source ModeSupport
Manual Search and LinkingSupported
Enrollment, AuthenticatedNot supported
Enrollment, ClaimNot supported
Enrollment, SearchSupported
Enrollment, SelectSupported
Org Identity Sync ModeSupport
FullNot supported


This is a non-core plugin, see Installing and Enabling Registry Plugins for more information.


This plugin works with both staging ( and production ( environments.

  1. Login to the administrative area (/admin) of the environment and generate an API Key, as described in the Initial Setup section of this guide.
  2. Back in Registry, create a new Server (Servers >> Add a New Server) of type HTTP.
  3. Configure the HTTP Server:
    1. Server URL: The URL to the Novi environment with /api appended, for example
    2. Username: Leave blank.
    3. Password: The API Key generated in step 1.
  4. Add a new Org Identity Source (Configuration >> Organizational Identity Sources >> Add a New Organizational Identity Source), with the Plugin type set to NoviSource.
  5. Configure NoviSource by selecting the Server created above.

Performing Searches

The Novi API currently supports searching for members using an exact name (exact, case insensitive match, including all name components) and exact email address (also case insensitive).

NoviSource uses two fields to determine active records. A record flagged as Active: false is treated as deleted, while a record with a MemberStatus value of anything other than current or grace_period is treated not a current member in the association. In either of these cases, NoviSource will not return a valid record (even though the record may appear in search results).

API queries are subject to rate limits.

See Also