NET+ Palo Alto Networks Community Call

Date: 9/16/2021

The rough agenda is:

  1. Intro – call is recorded
    1. Please rename yourself in Zoom to include your campus name.
    2. Introduction to the call, announcements, reminder the call is being recorded, etc
    3. Registration, awareness, emails, etc – how did that work?
  2. Agenda bash / round table of issues of submitted questions
    1. Brief overview of the call
    2. NET+ Palo Alto Networks Security operations automation overview by Alex Garcia from Palo Alto Networks
    3. Q&A/Discussion
  3. Open discussion
  4. Any feedback on the NET+ Palo Alto Networks program
  5. Next call is Oct 21st, 2021 at 1pm ET

Numbers: 40 attendees

Recording: GMT20210916-170447_Recording_2378x1120.mp4

Auto-generate transcript from Zoom: GMT20210916-170447_Recording.transcript.vtt.txt

Chat transcript: GMT20210916-170447_Recording.txt

Next call is Oct 21st, 2021 at 1pm ET on Program Series Wrap-up and discussion

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