
Welcome to the NET+ Palo Alto Networks wiki! Previous details on the NET+ Palo Alto Networks Provisional service can be found here.

Many Internet2 member institutions take advantage of this service offering. If your institution is one of them then this wiki will provide details on how to make the most of your participation of the programming and interact with peers across Internet2 member institutions. 

This program is open to all Internet2 higher education members and non-member higher education institutions. If you are looking for details on how to join the program as a existing customers or move to the latest version of the NET+ Palo Alto Networks Customer Agreement, please visit the Engage section of the NET+ Palo Alto Networks webpage.

Palo Alto Networks has a solutions brief ebook that outlines their engagement with higher education and the service evaluation for additional information. Palo Alto Networks also has more information on their higher education focus on their website.

Service Documentation and Resources

Accessibility: Available upon request

Identity: Available upon request

Information Security: HECVAT available upon request

Contract and Pricing: Available upon request

Community Resources

Participate in our Online Community (Participants Only):

Institutions participating in the NET+ Palo Alto Networks program may take advantage of our email discussion list, monthly community calls in 2021, and participate in other activities and events by joining our NET+ Palo Alto Networks email distribution list or signing up for the program. Please subscribe directly or contact netplus@internet2.edu to be added.

NET+ Palo Alto Networks Service Advisory Board (SAB) Membership

  • To be formed


Send Feedback or Submit a Feature Request:

The NET+ Palo Alto Networks program is managed by an Internet2 program manager with the support of a future NET+ Palo Alto Networks Service Advisory Board. 

The future NET+ Palo Alto Networks Service Advisory Board will review and prioritize community feature requests on a regular basis and discusses them with Palo Alto Networks product leadership. Feature requests may be submitted to Nick Lewis.

Space contributors


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