In Grouper v2.5.23+ you can configure Grouper to schedule a SQL or GSH script to run in the daemon container like any other daemon job. Will show up on the daemon list UI page. You can see logs, start it, schedule it, etc.
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to assign group privs to groups with naming convention
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to assign user folder privs
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to delete old database records
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to delete orphaned includeExclude groups
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to delete unresolvable subjects
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to load data from a rest WS to a SQL table
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to make sure group membership is no longer than a year
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to manage group memberships from Splunk WS
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to monitor another "other job"
- Grouper daemon "other job" GSH script to sync GrouperAll READ privileges
- Grouper daemon "other job" to control other daemons
Configure in daemon UI
Note: The output of the script (or the error) is in the daemon log (can view from UI).
SQL logs details from edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.ddl.GrouperAntProject at INFO level if you want to get them from log4j.
Update the loader log from GSH (v2.5.26+)
import; // in v2.6.8+ you can do this null safe which works in daemon and standalone program Hib3GrouperLoaderLog hib3GrouperLoaderLog = OtherJobScript.retrieveHib3GrouperLoaderLogNotNull(); hib3GrouperLoaderLog.setInsertCount(GrouperUtil.intObjectValue(debugMap.get("insertsCount"), true)); hib3GrouperLoaderLog.setTotalCount(totalCount); // in v2.6.7 and earlier... // if you want to know the jobName ( value in the config ). jobName = OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().getJobName(); // jobName can help you lookup other config vars for the script. ( you may need to do more parsing/fixing of the string )// // or for config //edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueString(...) // generally you will add to the counts OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().addInsertCount(5); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().addTotalCount(6); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().addUpdateCount(7); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().addDeleteCount(8); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().addUnresolvableSubjectCount(1); // if you just want to set the count you can do that too. Other fields in Hib3GrouperLoaderLog can be set too OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setInsertCount(1); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setTotalCount(2); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setUpdateCount(3); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setDeleteCount(4); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setUnresolvableSubjectCount(1); // if you just want to get the count you can do that too. Other fields in Hib3GrouperLoaderLog can be set too OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().getInsertCount(); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().getTotalCount(); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().getUpdateCount(); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().getDeleteCount(); OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().getUnresolvableSubjectCount();// and you can just "increment" the UnresolvableSubjectCount (only) OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().incrementUnresolvableSubjectCount();// for long running scripts you likely should also set this from time to time... OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setLastUpdated(Timestamp lastUpdated1); // this goes to daemon logs OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().setJobMessage("SUCCESS: ran job 1 and 2"); // or append OtherJobScript.retrieveFromThreadLocal().getOtherJobInput().getHib3GrouperLoaderLog().appendJobMessage("something");
Stopping Daemon Jobs
In Grouper 5.8.1+, it's possible to stop running daemon jobs (that are not stuck). For example, the job might be in the middle of a lot of changes that are being processed and you'd like to stop it. To allow this functionality with your job, you would need to add the following line of code to various places in your script. For example, you may add it within a loop or after some amount of work is done.
Normally, this line of code executes very quickly and doesn't do anything. But if a Grouper Admin goes into the Daemon Jobs page in the Grouper UI and disables your job, after a few seconds (~10s), the Grouper Daemon engine will realize that the job has been disabled. After that, the next time your script executes the line of code above, it will throw a RuntimeException. So assuming your script doesn't catch the exception, the job will then end.
Note that if you're managing your own imports (i.e. using the Lightweight GSH option), then you'll need to import the following:
Example 1: schedule a SQL script with the script in the config file
otherJob.scriptSql.class = otherJob.scriptSql.quartzCron = 0 0 0 * * ? otherJob.scriptSql.scriptType = sql otherJob.scriptSql.scriptSource = update grouper_groups set description = 'whatever' where name = 'a:b';$newline$update grouper_stems set description = 'whatever' where name='d:e';$newline$commit;
Job summary
scriptType: sql scriptSource: update grouper_groups set description = 'whatever' where name = 'a:b'; update grouper_stems set description = 'whatever' where name = 'd:e'; commit; connecting to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/grouper_v2_5?useSSL=false Loading com.mysql.jdbc.Driver using system loader. Executing resource: /Users/mchyzer/git/grouper_v2_5/grouper/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20200414_17_27_15_852.sql SQL: update grouper_groups set description = 'whatever' where name = 'a:b' 1 rows affected SQL: update grouper_stems set description = 'whatever' where name = 'd:e' 1 rows affected SQL: commit 0 rows affected Committing transaction 3 of 3 SQL statements executed successfully Script was executed successfully
Example 2: schedule a SQL script with a script in a file in your container
File: /opt/grouper/scripts/mySqlScript.sql update grouper_groups set description = 'whatever' where name = 'a:b'; update grouper_stems set description = 'whatever' where name='d:e'; commit; File: otherJob.scriptSqlFile.class = otherJob.scriptSqlFile.quartzCron = 0 0 0 * * ? otherJob.scriptSqlFile.scriptType = sql otherJob.scriptSqlFile.fileName = /opt/grouper/scripts/mySqlScript.sql
Job message
scriptType: sql fileName: /opt/grouper/scripts/mySqlScript.sql connecting to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/grouper_v2_5?useSSL=false Loading com.mysql.jdbc.Driver using system loader. Executing resource: /opt/grouper/scripts/mySqlScript.sql SQL: update grouper_groups set description = 'whatever2' where name = 'a:b' 1 rows affected SQL: update grouper_stems set description = 'whatever2' where name='d:e' 1 rows affected SQL: commit 0 rows affected Committing transaction 3 of 3 SQL statements executed successfully Script was executed successfully
Example 3: schedule a GSH script with a script in the config file
otherJob.scriptGsh.class = otherJob.scriptGsh.quartzCron = 0 0 0 * * ? otherJob.scriptGsh.scriptType = gsh otherJob.scriptGsh.scriptSource = GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();$newline$new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem1:a").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();
Job message
scriptType: gsh scriptSource: GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem1:a").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save(); (2.5.0-beta-2, JVM: 1.8.0_161) Type ':help' or ':h' for help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groovy:000> :load '/Users/mchyzer/git/grouper_v2_5/grouper/target/classes/groovysh.profile' groovy:000> GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); ===> b37a372289bd430a887239801a1bab90,'GrouperSystem','application' groovy:000> new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem1:a").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save(); ===> Group[name=stem1:a,uuid=cb7b2bead8ee433aa912ac7ec321a532] groovy:000> :exit
Example 4: schedule a GSH script from a file in your container
File: /opt/grouper/scripts/myGshScript.gsh GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem1:a").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save(); File: otherJob.scriptGshFile.class = otherJob.scriptGshFile.quartzCron = 0 0 0 * * ? otherJob.scriptGshFile.scriptType = gsh otherJob.scriptGshFile.fileName = /opt/grouper/scripts/myGshScript.gsh
Job message
scriptType: gsh fileName: /opt/grouper/scripts/myGshScript.gsh (2.5.0-beta-2, JVM: 1.8.0_161) Type ':help' or ':h' for help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groovy:000> :load '/Users/mchyzer/git/grouper_v2_5/grouper/target/classes/groovysh.profile' groovy:000> GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); ===> b37a372289bd430a887239801a1bab90,'GrouperSystem','application' groovy:000> new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem1:a").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save(); ===> Group[name=stem1:a,uuid=cb7b2bead8ee433aa912ac7ec321a532] groovy:000> :exit