Trust and Identity Program Advisory Group Meeting - November 11, 2019


Attending: Mike Erickson, Laura Paglione, Klara Jelinkova, Sean Reynolds 

With: Ann West, Kevin Morooney, Steve Zoppi

Documenting risks for the Internet2 Board

The Internet2 board’s Program and Priorities Committee has asked the PAGs to articulate any near-term tactical risks that the board should be aware of. The PAG discussed a number of items.

Sean outlined four broad categories of risk, based on this discussion:

  • Trust - reliability and security of the infrastructure (some of this we control and some we do not)
  • Supplier relationships - any risks to partners become a risk to us
  • Community support/adoption - We don’t need 100% participation in the Trusted Access Platform, but to make sure it is of high quality and usefulness
  • Business risk - financial model - is it sustainable? Financial dependencies we have on, say, the cert service

(AI) Kevin to produce a Google doc with the start of a summary and receive feedback from the PAG.

The Internet2 board’s PPC also asked about issues where coordination with other PAGs could or would be required. Interactions with the NET+ PAG are likely; potential Community Engagement, as well.

PAG and InCommon Steering

Kevin is considering combining the PAG and InCommon Steering to make best use of members’ time, since there is significant overlap between the two bodies. Steering would continue to meet monthly and largely comprise the PAG. Each quarter, additional PAG members would attend the meeting to discuss larger issues. Stay tuned.

Next Meetings

InCommon Steering Face-to-Face at TechEx (PAG members are invited) - Monday, December 9, 2019 - 3-5 pm CT

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