Date, Time, and Location

Thursday, January 16, 2020
1:10pm ET | 12:10pm CT | 11:10am MT | 10:10am PT


Attending: Mark Rank, Janemarie Duh, Keith Wessel, Eric Kool-Brown, Matt Brookover, Eric Goodman, Judith Bush, Matthew Economou

With: David Walker, Nick Roy, Dean Woodbeck, Ian Young, Jessica Coltrin, Dave Shafer, Shannon Roddy, Albert Wu, Steve Zoppi, David Bantz

Intellectual Property Reminder - All Internet2 activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework.

Public Content Notice - TAC minutes are public documents. Please let the TAC and note taker know if you plan to discuss something of a sensitive nature.

T/I and Ops Update

  • Next TAC meeting - Getting ready to release MDQ into production. TAC will receive a report prior to the January 30 meeting for a decision on moving to production. MDQ initially came from a TAC working group. This will signing off on the technical portion. Transitioning the community will be the next phase. 

OIDC Deployment WG Report

  • The report is finished.
  • Janemarie will provide a link to that report. WG chair Nathan Dors will be invited to the next call to provide a summary of the work and the report.

Standardizing message about federation to vendors

  • Mary McKee provided a summary of this issue via email
  • Discussion ensued about how this might work, when IT gets involved in such situations on campus
  • Do we need to be more prescriptive on what we mean by “integration”?
  • Matthew E. - have gone to vendors that do a lot of business with his agency and discuss the value proposition of federation for them. This would be an option if you can’t get inside the decision loop in the RFP process.
  • From Mary:
    • Document what we need and get it in front of vendors before contracts are signed
    • Communicate value prop to vendors
    • Streamlining SP Onboarding WG and Deployment Profile WG work may be relevant and helpful
  • Need services to point at that do federation right - and sample code

Working Group Updates - TAC progress in 2019

OIDC Deployment - Discovered there is not enough community experience to come up with deployment patterns. The conclusion was that the WG was premature. Shib plugin is now available, so it might be valuable to take another look at this in a year or two. There is also REFEDS work starting out, as well.

IdP as a Service - WG is cataloging the types of uses campuses may have for this service. Do you want a connector for your IdP? Or a more comprehensive service? WG will likely create a set of requirements and best practices for an IdP as a Service provider. 

Federation 2.0  - A REFEDS WG. Goal - provide some direction for federations looking to the future. Recommendations and strategies for the future.

For 2020, TAC will look at work plan and charter appropriate working groups. Working groups have a TAC sponsor who typically writes the charter. WGs have co-chairs.

Federation Wiki Work

  • Revising of the wiki continues. SP Onboarding wiki is under development now.

Next Meeting -  Thursday, January 30, 2020 

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