Create tables in 2.4

Run in GSH (pass true if not prod and you want to run the script): String[]{"false"});

Run the script that is outputted.


Grouper has a daemon log table: grouper_loader_log.  This table will remain, holding logs for recent runs of daemon jobs

IDVARCHAR2 (128 Char)uuid
JOB_NAMEVARCHAR2 (512 Char)quartz job name
STARTED_TIMEDATEwhen job started
ENDED_TIMEDATEwhen job ended
MILLISINTEGERhow long job took in millis
MILLIS_GET_DATAINTEGERif there is a get data task, how long that took in millis
MILLIS_LOAD_DATAINTEGERif there is a load data task, how long that took in millis
JOB_SCHEDULE_TYPEVARCHAR2 (128 Char)generally this is CRON
JOB_DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR2 (4000 Char)describe the job (not the task)
JOB_MESSAGEVARCHAR2 (4000 Char)text about the output of this task
HOSTVARCHAR2 (128 Char)that ran the job
GROUP_UUIDVARCHAR2 (128 Char)if this is related to a specific group, this is the uuid
JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_SECONDSINTEGERif interval, this is the interval
LAST_UPDATEDDATEwhen this row was last updated
UNRESOLVABLE_SUBJECT_COUNTINTEGERhow many unresolvables in the job
TOTAL_COUNTINTEGERtotal records in job
PARENT_JOB_NAMEVARCHAR2 (512 Char)if this is a subjob, this is the parent job name
PARENT_JOB_IDVARCHAR2 (128 Char)uuid of the parent job log line
AND_GROUP_NAMESVARCHAR2 (512 Char)if AND'ing with other groups, these are the group names
CONTEXT_IDVARCHAR2 (40 Char)links to audit line


Overall table for a grouper scheduled daemon (generally for syncing things, but could be for daemon)

IDVARCHARuuid of row
SYNC_ENGINEVARCHARtype of job.  e.g. sql_sync, pspng, etc
PROVISIONER_NAMEVARCHARname of job in the sync_engine.  this must be unique
GROUP_COUNTINTEGERif there are groups affected, this is the count of groups in job
USER_COUNTINTEGERif there are users affected, this is the count of users in job
RECORDS_COUNTINTEGERtotal number of records affected
INCREMENTAL_INDEXINTEGERif incremental syncing based on some sequence, this is last one processed
INCREMENTAL_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMPif incremental syncing based on timestamp, this is last timestamp processed
LAST_INCREMENTAL_SYNC_RUNTIMESTAMPlast time the incremental sync ran (when started)


TIMESTAMPlast time a full sync was kicked off

when last full metadata sync ran.  this needs to run when groups get renamed

LAST_UPDATEDTIMESTAMPwhen this record is last updated


Each daemon has an overall record, and one for the job that runs.  This differentiates the full sync or the incremental run, or a one off that syncs an individual group or user or membership.  This also assures that multiple jobs do not run at once.  This record should be updated in a thread so that progress can be tracked and a "heartbeat" is established so we know the job is running.  Every daemon has a record in grouper_sync, and grouper_sync_job.

GROUPER_SYNC_IDVARCHARforeign key back to grouper_sync
SYNC_TYPEVARCHARup to the sync_engine what is available.  e.g. full_sync, incremental, group_sync, user_sync, daemon, etc

running, pending (if waiting for another job to finish), notRunning

LAST_SYNC_INDEXINTEGERfor incremental jobs, this is the last index processed
LAST_SYNC_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMPfor incremental jobs, this is the last timestamp processed
LAST_TIME_WORK_WAS_DONETIMESTAMPif work was actually accomplished, this is the last time.  for instance if 2 hours of incrementals have passed and no work needed to be done, then do not update this field
HEARTBEATTIMESTAMPHeartbeat column that is updated as a job is running in a thread (e.g. every 60 seconds)
LAST_UPDATEDTIMESTAMPwhen this record was last updated


If this daemon affects groups and wants to use this table, there would be a record here for each group affected for each daemon (not each job).  For instance, for pspng, there is full and incremental, but only one record per group in this table.  If a group is deleted, this record might still exist for some more time (a week?) .  If the group is deprovisioned, this record could remain or be removed.  Note this could be tracking a group going to a target, or coming from a target.  There are no plans to integrate this with the loader.

IDVARCHARuuid of record
GROUPER_SYNC_IDVARCHARforeign key to daemon
GROUP_IDVARCHARuuid of group (not foreign key) 
PROVISIONABLEBOOLEANif provisionable (based on provisioning attributes).  Job can use this data to know if
this group is provisionable, or it could use attributes.  Changes in attributes will change
this boolean in the change log or full sync
IN_TARGETBOOLEANif this group is currently in the target
IN_TARGET_INSERT_OR_EXISTSVARCHARif the IN_TARGET_START was an insert into the target (was provisioned then), then T, or if it already existed at that time (inserted at some time before that time)
IN_TARGET_STARTTIMESTAMPearliest date we know the group was in the target
IN_TARGET_ENDTIMESTAMPwhen this was removed from the target
PROVSIONABLE_STARTTIMESTAMPwhen this group started to be provisionable to this target
PROVISIONABLE_ENDTIMESTAMPwhen this group ended being provisionable from this target
GROUP_FROM_ID2VARCHARmetadata on group
GROUP_FROM_ID3VARCHARmetadata on group
GROUP_TO_ID2VARCHARmetadata on group
GROUP_TO_ID3VARCHARmetadata on group
LAST_TIME_WORK_WAS_DONETIMESTAMPlast time changes were made on this group for this daemon
LAST_GROUP_SYNCTIMESTAMPlast time group sync was started (memberships and metadata)
LAST_GROUP_METADATA_SYNCTIMESTAMPlast time metadata (not memberships) were synced
LAST_UPDATEDTIMESTAMPwhen this record was last updated


If this daemon affects subjects and wants to use this table, there would be a record here for each entity affected for each daemon (not each job).  For instance, for pspng, there is full and incremental, but only one record for each subject in this table.  If a member is deleted, this record might still exist for some more time (a week?) .  If the member is deprovisioned, this record could remain or be removed.  Note this could be tracking a member going to a target, or coming from a target.  There are no plans to integrate this with the loader.

IDVARCHARuuid of record
GROUPER_SYNC_IDVARCHARforeign key to daemon
MEMBER_IDVARCHARuuid of member (not foreign key) 
SUBJECT_IDVARCHARsubject id of the entity
SOURCE_IDVARCHARsource id of the entity
PROVISIONABLEBOOLEANif provisionable (based on provisioning attributes).  Job can use this data to know if
this member is provisionable, or it could use group membership.  Changes in membership will change
this boolean in the change log or full sync
IN_TARGETBOOLEANif this entity is currently in the target
IN_TARGET_INSERT_OR_EXISTSVARCHARif the IN_TARGET_START was an insert into the target (was provisioned then), or if it already existed
at that time (inserted at some time before that time)
IN_TARGET_STARTTIMESTAMPearliest date we know the entity was in the target
IN_TARGET_ENDTIMESTAMPwhen this was removed from the target
PROVSIONABLE_STARTTIMESTAMPwhen this entity started to be provisionable to this target
PROVISIONABLE_ENDTIMESTAMPwhen this entity ended being provisionable from this target
MEMBER_FROM_ID2VARCHARmetadata on member
MEMBER_FROM_ID3VARCHARmetadata on member
MEMBER_TO_ID2VARCHARmetadata on member
MEMBER_TO_ID3VARCHARmetadata on member
LAST_TIME_WORK_WAS_DONETIMESTAMPlast time changes were made on this member for this daemon
LAST_USER_SYNCTIMESTAMPlast time user sync was started (memberships and metadata)
LAST_USER_METADATA_SYNCTIMESTAMPlast time metadata (not memberships) were synced
LAST_UPDATEDTIMESTAMPwhen this record was last updated


If this daemon affects memberships and wants to use this table, there would be a record here for each effective membership affected for each daemon (not each job).  For instance, for pspng, there is full and incremental, but only one record for each membership in this table.  If a membership is deleted, this record might still exist for some more time (a week?) .  If the member is deprovisioned, this record could remain or be removed.  Note this could be tracking a membership going to a target, or coming from a target.  There are no plans to integrate this with the loader.  Generally for large jobs, memberships are not tracked.  Perhaps it is configured to be on for troubleshooting only.

IDVARCHARuuid of record
GROUPER_SYNC_IDVARCHARforeign key to daemon
GROUPER_SYNC_GROUP_IDVARCHARforeign key to grouper_sync_group table 
GROUPER_SYNC_MEMBER_IDVARCHARforeign key to grouper_sync_member table
IN_TARGETBOOLEANif this membership is currently in the target
IN_TARGET_INSERT_OR_EXISTSVARCHARif the IN_TARGET_START was an insert into the target (was provisioned then), or if it already existed
at that time (inserted at some time before that time)
IN_TARGET_STARTTIMESTAMPearliest date we know the membership was in the target
IN_TARGET_ENDTIMESTAMPwhen this was removed from the target
MEMBERSHIP_IDVARCHARmetadata on member
MEMBERSHIP_ID2VARCHARmetadata on member
LAST_UPDATEDTIMESTAMPwhen this record was last updated


This table has the last log that work was done for the job (not daemon), or for each group, member, or membership.  These logs can be used on the UI so users can know the last work done.  If no work is done (inserts/updates), then there is no log entry change.

IDVARCHARuuid of record
GROUPER_SYNC_JOB_IDVARCHARforeign key to daemon job (full or incremental)
GROUPER_SYNC_GROUP_IDVARCHARforeign key to grouper_sync_group table if this log is on a group
GROUPER_SYNC_MEMBER_IDVARCHARforeign key to grouper_sync_member table if this log is on a subject
GROUPER_SYNC_MEMBERSHIP_IDVARCHARforeign key to grouper_sync_membership table if this log is on a membership
GROUPER_SYNC_OWNER_IDVARCHARdepending on the type of log, this is the ID of the "owner".  e.g. the 
GROUPER_SYNC_JOB_ID (if log on the job overall)
GROUPER_SYNC_GROUP_ID (if log is on the group for the job)
GROUPER_SYNC_MEMBER_ID (if the log is on the entity for the job)
GROUPER_SYNC_MEMBERSHIP_ID (if the log is on the membership for the job)
DESCRIPTIONVARCHARtext description of what happened for this entry
RECORDS_PROCESSEDINTEGERhow many records processed (looked at, maybe some skipped)
RECORDS_CHANGEDINTEGERhow many records actually changed for this log
JOB_TOOK_MILLISINTEGERhow long this took
SERVERVARCHARwhich server this ran on
LAST_UPDATEDTIMESTAMPwhen this record was last updated

Sample queries

Get all memberships of provisioned groups based on sync metadata (new method)

select distinct as group_id,, gm.subject_id, as member_id
  FROM grouper_memberships ms, grouper_group_set gs, grouper_groups gg, grouper_fields gfl, grouper_members gm,
       grouper_sync gsync, grouper_sync_group gsg
  WHERE ms.owner_id = gs.member_id AND ms.field_id = gs.member_field_id and ms.enabled = 'T'
       and gs.OWNER_GROUP_ID = AND gs.FIELD_ID = gfl.ID and GM.SUBJECT_SOURCE = 'jdbc'
       and = 'test:testGroup' and = 'members'
       and gsync.sync_engine = 'theSyncEngine' and gsync.provisioner_name = 'someLdap'
       and = gsg.grouper_sync_id and gsg.group_id = 
       and (gsg.provisionable = 'T' or gsg.in_target = 'T')

Get all memberships of provisioned groups based on provisioning attributes (legacy method)

   SELECT distinct as group_id,,
          gm.SUBJECT_ID, GM.ID as member_id
     FROM grouper_memberships ms, grouper_group_set gs, grouper_groups gg, grouper_fields gfl, grouper_members gm,
          grouper_attribute_assign gaa_marker, grouper_attribute_def_name gadn_marker,
          grouper_attribute_assign gaa_do_provision, grouper_attribute_def_name gadn_do_provision, grouper_attribute_assign_value gaav_do_provision,
          grouper_attribute_assign gaa_target, grouper_attribute_def_name gadn_target, grouper_attribute_assign_value gaav_target          
    WHERE ms.owner_id = gs.member_id AND ms.field_id = gs.member_field_id and ms.enabled = 'T'
          and gs.OWNER_GROUP_ID = AND gs.FIELD_ID = gfl.ID and GM.SUBJECT_SOURCE = 'jdbc'
          and = 'members'
          and = gaa_marker.owner_group_id and = gaa_do_provision.owner_attribute_assign_id and = gaa_target.owner_attribute_assign_id
          AND gaa_marker.attribute_def_name_id = and = 'etc:provisioning:provisioningMarker'
             AND gaa_marker.enabled = 'T'
          AND gaa_do_provision.attribute_def_name_id = and = 'etc:provisioning:provisioningDoProvision' 
              AND gaa_do_provision.enabled = 'T' and gaav_do_provision.attribute_assign_id = and gaav_do_provision.value_string = 'true'
          AND gaa_target.attribute_def_name_id = and = 'etc:provisioning:provisioningTarget'
              AND gaa_target.enabled = 'T' and gaav_target.attribute_assign_id = and GAAV_TARGET.VALUE_STRING = 'personSourceTest'

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