Welcome to the NET+ Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Program Page

Many Internet2 member and non-member institutions take advantage of this service offering. If your institution is one of them then this wiki will provide details on how to make the most of your participation of the programming and interact with peers across the community. 

This program is open to all US higher education institutions. There are additional access fees for institutions that are not members of Internet2.  For details on how to join the program, please email netplus@internet2.edu. 

You can also find out more about the Internet2 Cloud Connect offering for GCP Partner Interconnect.

Service Documentation and Resources



  • GCP identities are closely tied to the Google Workspace environment - schools currently use Google Cloud Directory Sync to sync users from other identity systems and to populate Google Groups
  • If you are interested in working on a recommendation for dynamic group population and Role mapping for authorization management - email netplus@internet2.edu

Information Security:

Contract and Pricing:

Community Resources

Participate in our Subscriber Community:

Institutions participating in the NET+ GCP program may take advantage of our email discussion list to receive curated program updates and participate in other activities and events.

The NET+ GCP program manager, along with our Service Advisory Board, hosts regular subscriber calls where campus cloud teams meet to discuss their challenges, share lessons learned and collaborate to find the best answers for their institutions' GCP deployment. We regularly bring in Google engineers or product managers to discuss services and give feedback on how GCP features could best serve the unique needs of higher education institutions. You can see the list of past topics on the Cloud Infrastructure Community Program Calendar

If you are from a subscribing institution, contact Bob Flynn bflynn@internet2.edu to be added to our distribution and access lists. If your institution is not a subscriber, contact Bob to talk about joining the program.

Join the GCP Community Forum (Open to all community members):

Users of GCP are encouraged to join the #google channel in the EDUCAUSE Cloud Community Group Slack. See the Higher Ed Cloud Community page on the Cloud Wiki for instructions to join.

Collaborate on the Cloud Wiki:

Speaking of community, did you know about the Cloud Wiki? This was created specifically for YOU, members of the higher education community to collaborate with each other. Log in to see a Cloud Job descriptions page and contribute your knowledge!

Contribute Code:

Looking to share your latest Terraform config? Add it to the Cloud Wiki Helpful GitHub Repos list or email bflynn@internet2.edu to request access and create a repo in the Community Cloud Config GitHub organization.

Questions on Offers, Distributors and Resellers, Agreement Structure:

Find answers to frequently asked question in these Knowledge Base articles.

Key Program Updates

Subscribers may review our mailing list archives for monthly program and GCP updates.

Cloud Infrastructure Community Program Blog (GCP posts)

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes DALL·E 2024-10-24 17.44.57 - A 2D manga-style illustration featuring a very simplified and minimalistic representation of a router, firewall, and university building. The router h.jpeg The October GCP NET+ Tech Share covered compliance challenges in GCP, SSL certificate renewal periods, and networking security issues in higher education.…
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes On September 24, 2024, the Google Rapid Innovation Team (RIT) hosted a Project Pitch Session, bringing together innovative minds from various institutions within the Internet2 NET+ GCP community. This session, which replaced the usual Tech Jam, was a follow-up to the initiative introduced during the GCP Strat Call on August 20 https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=310249217 by Google's Chris Daugherty.…
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes The September 19th GCP Tech Share explored the highs and lows of Google Cloud adoption in higher education, from billing headaches to cutting-edge AI projects. Here's what you need to know: GCP Experience: The Good and the Bad The session kicked off with a discussion led by a business student from Indiana University,…
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Google's Public Sector Rapid Innovation Team (RIT) is reaching out to the Internet2 NET+ GCP community for innovative project ideas. Introduced during the recent GCP Strat Call on August 20 by Google’s Chris Daugherty (recording and assets https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1taULIzAmuJoV9xcx1sUEdQ2lIm1jpVEr?usp=drive_link), this initiative aims to help develop prototype game-changing solutions for higher education challenges.…
Our August NET+ GCP Tech Share call was packed with updates, feedback, and exciting new opportunities. Here's a quick rundown of what we covered: All of Us Update We kicked the meeting off with a recap of our recent All of Us meeting https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=310249165, where we addressed challenges faced by higher ed institutions in managing cloud resources for this groundbreaking research program. Key issues included billing visibility, metadata tagging,…
Although the research and education community is largely multi-cloud, it doesn’t mean that all platforms are resourced equally. Some organizations fully support Google Cloud, some that focus on other cloud platforms tolerate its use, and others actively block it because they don’t have the staff and/or skills to set it up. Internet2 is working with Google to create a GCP Admin Basic Training course.…

NET+ GCP Service Advisory Board Membership

  • Indiana University, James Bennett, Jim Thomas
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jay Hartley
  • New York Genome Center, Charles Gagnon
  • New York University, Stratos Efstathiadis
  • Penn State University, Gabriel Geise
  • Stanford University, Lucrecia Kim-Boswell
  • University of Maryland, Sheila Zellner-Jenkins
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Tim Champ
  • University of Pittsburgh, Brian Pasquini
  • University of Washington, Tom Lewis 
  • Washington University of St Louis, John Bailey (Chair)
  • Bob Flynn, Internet2, Staff Liaison

To Contact the Service Advisory Board


Send Feedback or Submit a Feature Request:

The NET+ GCP program is managed by an Internet2 program manager with the support of the NET+ GCP Service Advisory Board. 

The NET+ GCP Service Advisory Board reviews and priorities community feature requests on a periodic basis. Feature requests may be submitted to netplus@internet2.edu.


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