Action Items from Aug. 1

(AI) Jessica to close out the Deployment Profile Working Group using the procedures in the flywheel guide.

(AI) Janemarie/Jessica - Public acknowledgement and thanks to the Deployment Profile WG for its work. Recap of the results. Link to the wiki.

Earlier Action Items:

(AI) TAC members - Review updated metadata registration practice statement by August 15.
- Document submitted to Document Repository; publication pending 

(AI) TAC members - Review and comment on site admin enrollment flow by August 2.
- InCommon moving ahead to design/implement procedure.

(AI) Albert - Add the Seamless Access Coalition pilot to a future TAC agenda.
- queue up for 29th.

(AI) Janemarie - Start an email thread on how to proceed with the WebAuthn discussion.
- Suggest a topic to REFEDS when REFEDS call for work item opens 

(AI) Janemarie will take the Chrome SameSite policy issue to REFEDS.
- Janemarie reached out to REFEDS list; no response yet

(AI) - Email Chris Phillips re: CACTI cross participation


Attending:  Matt Brookover, Eric Kool-Brown, Heather Flanagan, Keith Wessel, Judith Bush, Michael Grady, Eric Goodman

With: David Walker, IJ Kim

TI&Ops updates

Albert previously asked for feedback on the new siteadmin and ops update process. Keith will ask Albert to keep us up to date.

International updates

Will provide an update on seamless access (formerly RA21) at the next TAC meeting.

Working group updates

OIDC Working Group - This WG will close; people do not yet have enough experience to develop a guide. Nathan Dors will write a note detailing why the WG is ending without a report. Heather noted that the hackathons at NORDUNET and TechEx meetings will have an OIDC table to develop tools for federation

REFEDS Federation 2.0 - working on scenarios and strategy.

IdP as a Service - Survey is closed and the WG will review the results.

CACTI - still need a TAC member to serve as a liaison with CACTI. Heather may be interested, but has a project to finish first. Les LaCroix is the new CACTI to TAC representative. There was also discussion about roles of the liaisons, specifically who should provide the update. For example, is it the TAC member who attends CACTI or the CACTI member who attends TAC?

CTAB update - Discussion on this week's call was about survey results for potential new Baseline Expectation items, possibly including REFEDS MFA and REFEDS R&S.

Deployment Profile - There was discussion about how to prioritize deployment profile items (SAML2INT and R&S). Albert developed a table to capture priorities. There was discussion about conducting a survey among TAC members to rank-order items and to get a sense for the perceived difficulty to implement. The consensus is to develop a survey, but to expect a wide array of answers. Need to provide links to the Deployment Profile WG final report and to SAML2int.

Next Call August 29

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