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In a patch in Grouper 2.4, Grouper will have a electronic forms workflow / approvals capability.  This will start simple and we can add more features later.  There will be the capability to have an interface so external workflow services can satisfy the request

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High level description

Think of this like a paper form, but electronic.  It is simple and if you need something more complicated likely you might need a BPM or workflow system and integrate with it.

  • Grouper admins (or members of etc:workflowEditors group) can configure a workflow on a group
    • Specify which groups need to approve the request
    • Configure the workflow and form fields with JSON
    • Configure the form itself with HTML
  • Workflow daemon will run to send out notifications
  • Screens to view and manage the requests
  • Automatic provisioning into group(s)
  • A copy of the form being submitted will be stored at every state of the form to AWS S3 or the file system.  That includes the history of the form and who approved it when

  • There is not a lightweight open source workflow library to add to grouper core, so we will create our own
    • The first part of this task is to confirm this statement
  • Note: the workflow should be able to be kicked off by the daemon when the status is "initiate".  So that workflow can be kicked off by web service.  Daemon should check every 5 minutes.  If this is the UI it should be immediate, send the email, and go to the next state.   


The configuration will follow the same attribute structure as other Grouper modules like reporting

Attribute definitions for config


Assigned To





groupidentify a workflow configmarkerMulti assign


group assignmentname/value pairsstringSingle assign, single valued

Attribute names for config

Note: for non-grouper workflows configured in, only the marker and type will be set.  For Grouper workflows, all the attributes will be available






workflowConfigTypeworkflowConfigValueDefrequiredif grouper is the only implementation in, auto populate with "grouper", otherwise list other implementations

This is a JSON config of the workflow approvals.  must have "initiate" and "complete"

  states: [
      stateName: "initiate",
      // optional, if no group specified, then whoever has OPTIN
      allowedGroupId: "abc123def456"     
      stateName: "supervisor",
      approverSubjectId: "${initiatorSubject.attribute['supervisorSubjectId']}",
      approverSubjectSourceId: "mypeople"
      stateName: "dataOwner",
      //who can approve
      approverGroupId: "sdgf76gdf87",  
      //who is notified, if blank, then use approverGroupId
      approverNotifyGroupId: "dfkjh234kjb"
      stateName: "complete",
      //if blank use the selected groups from form or just the group
      //the workflow is assigned to
      actionAssignToGroup: "sgk234kh234" 


workflowConfigValueDefrequiredName of workflow. No two workflows in the same owner should have the same name
workflowConfigIdworkflowConfigValueDefrequiredCamel-case alphanumeric id of workflow.  No two workflows in all of Grouper can have the same ID
workflowConfigDescriptionworkflowConfigValueDefrequiredTextarea which describes the information in the workflow. Must be less than 4k



Note: max 10 params, checkbox is true/false

  params: [
      paramName: "agreeToTerms",
      type: "checkbox",
      editableInStates: "initiate",
      required: "true"
      paramName: "notes",
      type: "textarea",
      editableInStates: "initiate"
      paramName: "notesForApprovers",
      type: "textarea",
      editableInStates: "supervisor, dataOwner"
      paramName: "reason",
      type: "textfield",
      editableInStates: "initiate"

Note: Grouper with javascript will enable or disable these form fields, or fill in values, as needed.  The form field names need to match the names in the params.  The id must match with "Id" appended to the end.  If a name or id doesnt exist in the HTML there will be an error

Fill out this form to be added to this group.<br /><br />
Several approvals will take place which usually take less than 2 business days<br /><br />
State the reason you would like this access: <input type="text" name="reason" id="reasonId" /><br /><br >
<input type="checkbox" name="agreeToTerms" id="agreeToTermsId" /> I agree this this institutions' <a href="https://whatever.whatever/whatever">terms and conditions</a><br /><br />
Notes: <textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="notes" id="notesId"></textarea><br /><br />
Notes for approvers: <textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="notesForApprovers" id="notesForApproversId"></textarea><br /><br />

workflowConfigViewersGroupIdworkflowConfigValueDefoptionalGroupId of people who can view this workflow and instances of this workflow. Grouper admins can view any workflow (blank means admin only).  Anyone in an approver group can view the workflow.


workflowConfigValueDefrequired (default to true, no blank option available)true/false if email should be sent


workflowConfigValueDefdefault to true (required, no blank option)Could by "true", "false", or "noNewSubmissions", i.e. let current forms go through
workflowPriorityworkflowConfigValueDefintegerno two workflows on the same group can have the same priority.  If two workflows are available for the same subject, then pick the one with the highest priority, if the "join group" button is pressed

Attribute definitions for instance (a workflow that was run)

This attribute is assigned to the same owner as the config attribute (e.g. the same group/folder)


Assigned To




workflowInstanceDefgroupidentify a workflow that was runmarkerMulti assign
workflowInstanceValueDeffolder assignment, group assignmentname/value pairsstringSingle assign, single valued

Attribute names for instance

Note: the ID is the attribute assign id of the marker (this is passed in URLs/emails etc)





workflowInstanceStateworkflowInstanceValueDefAny of the states, plus "exception" if there is a problem
workflowInstanceLastUpdatedMillisSince1970workflowInstanceValueDefnumber of millis since 1970 when this instance was last updated


workflowInstanceValueDefAttribute assign ID of the marker attribute of the config (same owner as this attribute, but there could be many workflows configured on one owner)
workflowInstanceInitiatedMillisSince1970workflowInstanceValueDefmillis since 1970 that this workflow was submitted
workflowInstanceUuidworkflowInstanceValueDefuuid assigned to this workflow instance
workflowInstanceFilenameworkflowInstanceValueDeffilename of workflow directory that holds the workflow files
workflowInstanceFilePointerworkflowInstanceValueDefdepending on storage type, this is a pointer to the workflow in storage, e.g. the S3 address. note the S3 address is .csv suffix, but change to __metadata.json for instance metadata
workflowInstanceEncryptionKeyworkflowInstanceValueDefrandomly generated 16 char alphanumeric encryption key (never allow display or edit of this)


workflowInstanceValueDefyyyy/mm/dd date that this was last emailed so multiple emails dont go out on same day
workflowLastEmailedStateworkflowInstanceValueDefthe state of the workflow instance when it was last emailed
workflowLogworkflowInstanceValueDefhas brief info about who did what when on this instance
workflowErrorworkflowInstanceValueDeferror message including stack of why this instance is in "exception" state

Changes to group drop down

Under groups, in the more actions, should be "Electronic forms", which goes to View forms screen.  

"Join" a group could kick off a workflow too


Emails should be sent out to approvers when they need to approve forms.  Emails should be sent out when the state changes, or daily (in a digest per user)

Hooks on workflow

Workflow should have hooks at various place so it can be customized

View electronic forms screen

This is the default screen.   Drop down with the following options:

  1. View forms
  2. Edit forms

Miscellaneous → Forms

  1. My forms - see forms the current user submitted
  2. Forms waiting for my approval - see forms that need approvals
  3. Form search - for form admins, can search for forms, see status, search by submitter, able to approve forms for approvers

To Do later

  • Enable kicking off workflows from other events (e.g. folder create, group create, membership add , membership remove , attribute values add/change/remove, etc…)
  • No labels