Universal Subject Daemon Utility (USDU)

As of Grouper v2.4, updates were made to allow deleting subjects after being unresolvable for X days.

As of Grouper v2.5, USDU has been changed to perform other functions as well.  See Grouper USDU v2.5+
Because of these changes, USDU is now run using the daemon.

The Unresolvable Subject Deletion Utility (USDU) finds and deletes memberships for subjects which can not be found by their source.

An unresolvable subject is a subject that can not be found by its source. A subject may be unresolvable because of a temporary or permanent source failure, or because it was removed from its source before memberships or privileges were deleted or revoked.

A future version may extend the Source class to provide more efficient lookups of subjects.


This utility finds and deletes memberships and privileges. It is possible for an unresolvable subject to be a creator or modifier of a group, in that case, calling Group.getCreateSubject() or Group.getModifySubject() will result in a SubjectNotFoundException.

Unresolvable subjects are not deleted from the grouper_members table. If an unresolvable subject becomes resolvable again, it will retain its member uuid.

See Also

Subject Change Daemon

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Default Grouper config does not allow USDU removal if the number of unresolvable subjects exceeds 200. However you can change increase this limit via the usdu.failsafe.maxUnresolvableSubjects Grouper property.

    Here is an extract from grouper.base.properties :

    ## Unresolvable Subject Deletion Utility

    # Don't do anything if more than this number of unresolvable subjects are found
    usdu.failsafe.maxUnresolvableSubjects = 200