
Attending: Janemarie Duh, Keith Wessel, Mike Grady, Tom Demeranville, Judith Bush, Eric Goodman, Eric Kool-Brown

With: Albert Wu, Ann West, Shannon Roddy, Kevin Morooney, David Walker, Ian Young

Regrets: Mark Scheible

New Members

Four members elected are: Janemarie Duh, Mary McKee, Jessica Coltrin, Matthew Economou. (Mark Scheible, Kim Milford, Albert are rolling off.) The new members will be invited to the December 20, 2018, meeting.

New TAC Chair

Janemarie Duh was elected TAC chair for 2019.

Vice-Chair Balloting

Voting for the 2019 vice-chair will open after today’s meeting.

Trust and Identity Updates

  • InCommon is in the process of redesigning the Campus Success Program and opening it to non-higher-ed organizations. New name is Collaboration Success Partners.

  • Also starting to rebrand and change how we communicate about the software suite (formerly known as TIER). The InCommon Trusted Access Platform will be positioned as one platform (vs. individual components) with features that you can turn on and off.
  • Baseline Expectations - still making impressive progress. Yesterday alone we added another 140 SPs that meet BE. At this point we’re at 80% of organizations meeting BE. With the deadline looming, we’re going to make a push to reach the organizations that have yet to meet BE. We’ve also published a request for extension (for up to 90 days)
  • Per-Entity Metadata - Will enter public pilot stage in early 2019. We will be asking TAC to review the process in early 2019. 

International Update (from Heather)

The International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers is meeting this week in London. Discussions include everything from content metadata to IP address authorization (as a good thing), RA21, AI, and more. RA21 itself will have a results workshop Thursday morning, and a governance meeting Thursday afternoon.

REFEDS is in the middle of its survey - if you haven’t responded, please do so! Also active in the REFEDS world: governance for schema. The list has been fairly quiet on that topic; if you have anything to add (even a +1 to something), your input would be greatly appreciated. And last but not least, now’s the time to figure out what you think REFEDS should be working on in 2019. The WorkPlan needs your input!

Registration is open for APAN47 (http://www.apan47.kr/reg.php). If that groups sticks to the plan it made at APAN46, this should be a much more hands-on meeting for the TF-IAM. They felt they had the information needed for governance and value propositions, and now needed more guidance on how to install and manage the necessary tools.

And, for some news out of Africa, Scott Koranda just returned from UbuntuNet-Connect and a training session in Entebbe. There are some new IdPs—Rakai Health Sciences Program, and the University of West Attica— in the world thanks in part to his work there.

Working Group Updates

OIDC Deployment - A couple of concrete deliverables identified - deployment guides for OIDC plug-ins for Shibboleth and Satosa (first quarter of 2019). Will be an IAM Online December 12 on OIDC and OAuth.

Deployment Profile - Putting finishing touches on SAML2-int (cleaning up “mays” and “shoulds” for instance). Also finishing the final report and cleaning up documents in the wiki space. Still determining the final approval and distribution path for the finalized SAML2-int.

REFEDS Federation 2.0 - Looking at processes for proceeding. Sending a meeting poll to those interested in participating. Still looking for non-InCommon participants for the working group.

2019 Working Group Planning

Reference: Guidelines for Trust and Identity Working Groups

The TAC sponsor ensures the charter is created, that the group is making progress and meeting requirements. A champion. Likely joins the first meeting or two, but don’t need to regularly attend. Sponsor identifies/recruits co-chairs.

  1.  IdP-as-a-Service WG (including IdP proxy). Strawman charter.
    1. Need to identify a TAC sponsor. 

    2. For co-chairs, may want to look to smaller schools who might be the target for the service. Jessica Coltrin would be a good candidate.

  2. SP Proxy WG

    1. For SPs that can’t do multilateral federation (lots of commercial SPs), VOs

    2. The context of this is “as a service” for those that can’t do SAML or can’t do multilateral

    3. What use cases might the service serve?
  3. Badging for operational capability. This is the email thread that Jack Suess kicked off about somehow providing information about a participant’s maturity, functionality, and operational capability.  The CTAB and TAC chair/vice-chairs will meet to discuss next steps.

  4.  Possible follow-on working groups?
    1.  Streamlining SP On-boarding WG - there will be internal conversations in InCommon about next steps for this. 

    2. Deployment Profile WG - sometime early in 2019 it would be appropriate to work on an R&E layered profile.

There is a need to prioritize the working groups and potentially stagger the kick-off dates to spread the work throughout the year and minimize community fatigue. An early-year communication could spell out the plan for the year.

Working with CACTI

There are areas of joint interest. The next step is to form a subgroup consisting of chairs and vice-chairs of the groups (plus others interested) and discuss potential agenda items and possible joint meetings.


Next Meeting - December 20, 2018 - 1 pm ET

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