InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - September, 2018


Attending: Dave Vernon, Dee Childs, Mark Scheible, Marty Ringle, Sean Reynolds, Michael Gettes, Ann West, Klara Jelinkova, Laura Paglione

With: Kevin Morooney, Steve Zoppi

Proposed InCommon Fee Increase

Kevin provided an overview of a potential InCommon fee increase. There was a general discussion about the need, the timing, and some possible scenarios.


  • It was reaffirmed at the 2018 Global Summit that:

    • The Internet2 community has a desire to at least continue the directions and improvements made possible by the TIER investment and program.

    • The Internet2 community, dominated by the CIO perspective, seeks professional support mechanisms for the Internet2 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Platform, moving from components to a service, and from typical open source software support to “commercial-grade” support for an IAM platform.

    • The current fee schedule ranges from $5,025–$1,755.

  • The 2017 fee increase ranged from 48–61%; however, the absolute value of the increases were only between $575–$1,775.

    • Certificate-service-only participants and research organizations (RO) were held harmless in the increases.

      • ROs have brittle budget cycles and are a very small class

      • Cert Service-only was to keep the service affordable

    • There was not broad community input to the increases

The discussion among Steering focused on the communications and outreach plan. Such a plan should focus on the value that participants receive now, and the added value they will see for the higher price (vs., say, an vendor increasing prices but providing no additional value). Fashion the communications to emphasize the added value, vital upgrades, support, etc. Given the nature of work and value of portfolio, this isn’t a lot of dollars.

This will provide operating capacity and capacity for development. People will want to know what they’ve gotten to date. What might be this improved, commercial grade platform we’re going to get out of this?

Kevin and NET+

Kevin - Will take on the executive NET+ duties. Dave Gift has been stewarding this for the last several months and needs to return to his other duties.

Next Meeting: October  1 – 4 pm ET, 3 pm CT, 2 pm MT, 1 pm PT

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