The info on this page applies to Grouper 2.5 and above.

The Grouper Messaging system interface has an ActiveMQ implementation.

Install ActiveMQ

On Mac, Download ActiveMQ from Unzip the file and go to bin directory. Run "./activemq console". It will launch ActiveMQ server and the web client. 

Login to http://localhost:8161 to access the web UI.


  • Grouper ActiveMQ messaging client uses qpid-jms-client 0.41.0 to connect to the broker which supports amqp 1.0. 
  • Grouper ActiveMQ messaging doesn't support acknowledging the individual messages. acknowledge method is a No-Op.
  • Clients always have to set the autoCreateObjects property to true while calling send and receive messages on GrouperMessagingActiveMQSystem object.

Set the following properties in file

# class that implements edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.messaging.GrouperMessagingSystem
grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouperMessagingActiveMQ.GrouperMessagingActiveMQSystem

# host address of activemq queue = localhost

# port of activemq queue
grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.port = 5672

# username of activemq queue
grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.username =

# password of activemq queue
grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.password =

# number of seconds to sleep while waiting
grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.polling.sleep.seconds = 5

grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.defaultPageSize = 5

grouper.messaging.system.activeMqSystem.maxPageSize = 10

Here is an esb example of sending messages

## Messaging integration with ESB, send change log entries to a messaging system

# note, change "messagingEsb" in key to be the name of the consumer.  e.g. changeLog.consumer.myAzureConsumer.class
# note, routingKey property is valid only for rabbitmq. For other messaging systems, it is ignored.
# {valueType: "class", readOnly: true, mustExtendClass: "edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.ChangeLogConsumerBase"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbConsumer

# quartz cron
# {valueType: "cron"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?

# el filter
# {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.elfilter$"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.elfilter = event.eventType eq 'GROUP_DELETE' || event.eventType eq 'GROUP_ADD' || event.eventType eq 'MEMBERSHIP_DELETE' || event.eventType eq 'MEMBERSHIP_ADD'

# publishing class
# {valueType: "class", readOnly: true, mustExtendClass: "edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbMessagingPublisher"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.publisher.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbMessagingPublisher

# messaging system name
# {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.messagingSystemName$"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.publisher.messagingSystemName = cmuActiveMQ

# queue or topic
# {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.publisher\\.messageQueueType$"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.publisher.messageQueueType = queue

# queue or topic name
# {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.publisher\\.queueOrTopicName$"}
changeLog.consumer.cmuActiveMQ.publisher.queueOrTopicName =
  • No labels