Versions Compared


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Code Block
grouper#>useradd grouper
grouper#>su - grouper
[grouper@grouper ~]$ mkdir /home/grouper/2.3.0
[grouper@grouper ~]$ cd /home/grouper/2.3.0/
[grouper@grouper 2.3.0]$ wget
[grouper@grouper 2.3.0]$ java -jar grouperInstaller.jar 
hit <enter> a bunch to get the defaults
Do you want to use the default and included hsqldb database (t|f)? [t]: f
# this should be before the version number
download.server.url =
# default version to install
grouper.version = 2.3.0
# print out autorun keys in prompts so you can easily see how to configure the autorun
grouperInstaller.print.autorunKeys = true
# default to install or upgrade (default is install)
grouperInstaller.default.installOrUpgrade = install
# where to get grouper source from, the variable $BRANCH_NAME$ will be substituted for the branch
download.source.url =$BRANCH_NAME$.zip
# where to get grouper psp source from, the variable $BRANCH_NAME$ will be substituted for the branch
download.pspSource.url =$BRANCH_NAME$.zip
## Autorun properties
## If you uncomment one of these properties it will be used as empty, only uncomment to use
#### set this to true to try to use defaults for everything.  Only things without default values will need to be set
grouperInstaller.autorun.useDefaultsAsMuchAsAvailable = true
## Note: not all of them need to be filled out for all operations
# autorun grouper system password (its not secure to have a plain text pass in a config file)
grouperInstaller.autorun.grouperSystemPassword = GrouperSystem1
# autorun Enter the database URL [jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper]:
grouperInstaller.autorun.dbUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/grouper
Database# autorun database user [sa]:
grouperInstaller.autorun.dbUser = grouper
Database password# autorun database pass (note, youit aren'tis settingnot thegood passsecurity here,to youhave areplaintext usingpasswords anin existingtext pass, this will be echoed back) [<blank>]: XXXXXXX
config files)
grouperInstaller.autorun.dbPass = Grouper1!
# autorun Do you want to init the database (delete all existing grouper tables, add new ones) (t|f)? 
grouperInstaller.autorun.deleteAndInitDatabase = t
Enter# theautorun GrouperSystemWhat password: XXXXXXXXXXXX
Do you want to start the Grouper loader (daemons)?
  (noteis the location of your tomcat server.xml for the UI?
# Note, if ityou isdont alreadyuse running,tomcat youjust needleave toit stopblank itor now, check ps -ef | grep gsh | grep loader) (t|f)? [f]: y
 type 'blank':
grouperInstaller.autorun.locationOfTomcatServerXml = /home/grouper/2.3.0/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/conf/server.xml

[grouper@grouper 2.3.0]$ java -cp .:grouperInstaller.jar edu.internet2.middleware.grouperInstaller.GrouperInstaller 
Installation success!
Go here for the Grouper UI (change hostname if on different host): http://localhost:8080/grouper/
This is the Grouper WS URL (change hostname if on different host): http://localhost:8080/grouper-ws/