Draft Mintues: ITANA call 26-Sept-2013
Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)
Glenn Donaldson, The Ohio State University
Chris Eagle, U. Michigan
Dave Perhne, U. Michigan
Mike Fary, U. Chicago
Michael Janke, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Arin Komins, U. Chicago
Bob Goldstein, Pitzer College
Brandon Rich, Notre Dame
Dan Brint, SUNY
David Soleno, UC San Diego
Karen Hanson, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Kasia Azzara, Columbia U.
ITANA Website: http://itana.org/
ITANA Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Home
SOA API Discussion
Jim has set up an email for the API working groups. Contact Jim to get added to this list.
How are you selling SOA API Management?
U Mich
Selling the idea of developer efficiency. Removing the time they spend finding and gathering data
Targeting their data owners. Providing tools to allow them to audit data use.
Selling to Provost and the Deans to get funding for the initiative(s).
Analytics is a broad initiative on campus. Leveraging this effort.
Agility in new development and new capabilities.
Notre Dame
Top-down driver. Executive VP is a data driven. Initiative for Data Driven Decision making.
Business Intellegence, Data Governance and this effort are linked together.
Helps in having cleaner data on 3rd party site called Schedulizerhttp://www.schedulizer.com/#welcome
Ohio State
Selling it to developers stressing the reuse advantage.
Security team help to sell it. Reducing shadow systems, especially for operational purpose.
Not having people come in with direct database calls.
Reuse, efficiency and agility helps sell the approach to higher ups.
Being able to make decisions quicker.
Mobile helps sell it also.
Selling it to data custodians - know who is using it, notification of data changes.
Adds comfort on where data is going.
Screen scrapers getting the curricular data (which is complex) wrong. Confusing students. They can't enroll in what Schedulizer says to enroll in. ( http://www.schedulizer.com/#welcome )
Support student developers in their development and maybe add back to the institution.
Support classes that want to use the data for projects.
Push Notification Use Cases and Architecture from UW- Wisconsinhttps://wiki.doit.wisc.edu/confluence/display/AIAES/Push+Notification+Use+Cases+and+Architecture
Advising Architecture Review Board Strategy from UW-Madison
What about monitizing access to the data? If we are making data available for 3rd party developers, how about we charge them for access.
Throttling of Open/Public APIs to prevent them from seriously impacting production
What are the problems we are trying to solve and how do we solve them? Most of our stories are around administrative systems and process. What do we say to the Teaching and Learning and Research space we should be addressing?
When we look to Business Analysts they are usually focused on administrative issues? Anyone have BAs focused on Teaching and Learning?
What about Messaging?
Is there common APIs that could be shared? Common data models for APIs that could be shared and/or aligned?
SOA API Sub Groups to be formed and questions for each sub-group
Jim is seeking a leader for the sub-group to gather up Enterprise Data Management artifacts, looking at topics around Data Management, Data Definition.
Over-arching Group (Jim Phelps will lead this group)
For Evaluation work - Share what you went through in selecting your ESB software.
Why did you pick WS02? What else did you look at?
How are you using your ESB
Sharing Design Documents and Patterns
Sharing business cases and use cases used to make the case for investment
Are folks planning on single instance of an ESB or Federated so other Departments/Colleges can have their own?
And who locally (within University) manages/administers the ESB and other aligned software/services.
Best practices on integration between ESB and ETL.
What about changing out the infrastructure? What should I plan ahead for if I think we are going to change out our ESB?
What are the design concerns you should consider if you want to make the infrastructure swappable?
What about cloud deployment of the infrastructure either IaaS or Amazon WS / EC3?
Public access to data and API supporting community of developers
WS02 Sub-Group (Jon Terrones will lead this group)
U. Michigan
U. Chicago
U. Buffalo
U. Madison
Ohio State
What are the core modules to be implemented?
I'm also curious about how everyone is planning to get technical support (are you paying WS02 for it or using community support?)
Why did you pick WS02? What else did you look at?
Evaluation work ? Glenn Donaldson? What does this mean
What are you using for a brokerage service/directory of APIs (registry for discovery by the world)
Shared Performance and Security , work arounds, etc.
For Evaluation work - Share what you went through in selecting your ESB software.
Data Definition and API Design (seeking a leader for this sub-group)
Best practices on integration between ESB and ETL.
What higher education specific standard data models have you come across? IMS, EduPerson, etc.
How are people leveraging open standards? Did any of the standards come out-of-the-box from the vendor source system
Workday Integration
Tuesday, Oct. 15 8AM to 4PM (Seminar 07F)http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/2013/seminar-07f-itana-face2face-2013-ea-action-value-enterprise-architecture-separate-registration-and-fee
Theme: The Value of Enterprise Architecture
Wiki for the meeting: Face2Face 2013
The morning panel:
-John Gohsman, Vice Chancellor and CIO, Washington University
-Ron Kraemer, Vice President and CIO, University of Notre Dame
-Charles Leonhardt, CTO/Lecturer, Georgetown Univeristy
-Jeffery Shokler, Assistant Director for Technology and Assessment, Office of Undergraduate Advising, UW-Madison
Afternoon consists of case studies and group work.
Constituent Group meeting, Thurs. Oct. 17 at 1:30pmhttp://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/2013/it-architects-constituent-group
ITANA UnConference: Thursday, Oct. 17, 4:30-6:30pmhttp://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/2013/itana-unconference-2013
EDUCAUSE Registration:http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/registration
The PreConference Seminar (07F) has a separate registration.