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InCommon Steering Meeting Minutes – 26 August 2013
Attending: Mark Crase, Ardoth Hassler, Rodney Petersen, John O’Keefe, Steve Carmody, Ken Klingenstein, Michael Gettes, Jack Suess, Klara Jelinkova,
With: Joe St Sauver, Dean Woodbeck, John Krienke, Ann West
Action Items
(AI) John K. will send an email to Steering seeking interest in a nominations committee.
(AI) John K. will see that a process is developed for creating and maintaining an email list of InCommon higher education participant CIOs.
Approval of Minutes
Moved (Mark), seconded (Michael) to approve the minutes of July 15, July 29, August 12. Passed unanimously.
There was also discussion about the need to make the minutes more visible to the community.
Regional Activities
InCommon has been engaging with the Quilt and regional providers on eight pilots, which grew out of a February 2013 meeting. In addition, InCommon is working with MCNC to explore the business aspects involved with K-12s potentially joining InCommon. Some of the other activities include:
- Maryland, which is interested in a federation that is broader than education, but may be interested in InCommon managing the infrastructure
- Wisconsin – a pilot involving a high school and community college
- Nebraska and Utah both exploring state-level federations with K-12
- Merit (Michigan) has a federation, but is seeing slow uptake
Governance and Operating Principles
The final version of this document was distributed and attached to the wiki:https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/download/attachments/38669482/InCSCGovOpPrinciples+NextStepsvFinal.docx
Associate Vice President
Internet2 has posted the position of Associate Vice President, Service Integration and Architecture. One point in the job description is: “Provide technical oversight and key point of engagement with Internet2's InCommon Federation and trusted identity in education steering committee. http://www.internet2.edu/about/staff/careers#avpsia
Nominations Process
After discussion of potential changes to the nomination process, it was decided that there is not enough planning time to make major changes. A nominations committee will form to both assess Steering’s needs (geographic, campus size, etc) for the next time period. There was strong support to recruit more CIOs to serve on Steering. (AI) John K. will send an email seeking interest in a nominations committee. The goal is to complete the process and have recommendations to Internet2 by the end of November.
Communications with CIOs
There was discussion about improving communications, specifically via email, with CIOs at InCommon’s higher education participants. We can easily reach the InCommon exec at each campus, but that may not necessarily be the CIO. There were a number of suggestions for compiling such a list. (AI) John K will see that a process is developed for creating and maintaining such a list.
There was discussion about other audiences that InCommon may need to reach (including the Internet2 board and others in Internet2).
Next Meeting
Sept. 9, 2013