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Steering disclaimer

InCommon Steering Committee Minutes - July 15, 2013

Attending: John O'Keefe, Michael Gettes, Chris Holmes, Klara Jelinkova, Ken Klingenstein, Craig Stewart, Jack Suess, Ardoth Hassler, Mark Crase

With: John Krienke, Joe St Sauver

Past Minutes

Moved (Michael), Seconded (Craig) to approve minutes from June 17 and July 1. Unanimous approval.

Planning Meeting with Shel

Discussion topics to include:

  1. InCommon Steering's role in "Trusted Identity in Education and Research"
  2. Executive Director Job Description
  3. Governance and operating principles
Governance and Principles Document

General consensus has been achieved with the five recommendations at the end of the "Steering's Role and TIER" document. John O'Keefe will update new language in the wiki to update staff/appointed individuals.

The five general principles are:

Principle 1. Governance: The Steering Committee (SC) will be proactive in governing InCommon, and fulfill its fiduciary duties on behalf of the LLC.
Principle 2. Planning: The Steering Committee will set priorities for InCommon.
Principle 3. Community Engagement: Understanding the needs of the InCommon community, infusing the findings into the planning process, and communicating the role of InCommon to the community will be high priorities of the Steering Committee.
Principle 4. Finance & Budget: The Steering Committee will exercise its fiduciary responsibility with respect to the finances and budget of InCommon.
Principle 5. Operations: The Steering Committee will ensure that InCommon is operating in a way that reflects the interests of the InCommon community.

Executive Director Job Description

Clarity that this is a single report (not double to Steering and SVP of Net+). The position reports to and is hired by Shel. Steering should have engagement in hiring and ongoing appraisal of the Exec Dir.

K12 Cert Pilot

Pilot discussions are underway, with pilot led by Joe St Sauver, who directs the Cert program. John K will upload K-12 pilot materials to a Steering wiki page.

Brief Financial Review

We are ahead of revenue targets and have a favorable position managing expenses compared with YTD forecasts.

Next Meeting

September 9, 2013