Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
$GROUPER_HOME/bin/ <option>
args: -h,               Prints this message
args: -check,           Performs startup check and enters an
                        interactive shell
args: -runarg <command> Run command (use \\n to separate commands)
args: -main <class> [args...]
   class,               Full class name (must have main method)
   args,                args as required by main method of class
args: -initEnv [<configDir>]
       On Windows sets GROUPER_HOME and adds GROUPER_HOME/bin to path
       For *nix 'source' for the same result
       configDir optionally adds an alternative conf directory than
       GROUPER_HOME/conf to the classpath
args: (-xmlimport | -xmlexport | -loader | -test | -registry | -usdu |
                        Enter option to get additional usage for that
  -xmlimportxmlexport,           Invokes XmlExporter
  -xmlexportxmlimport,           Invokes XmlImporter
  -loader,              Invokes GrouperLoader
  -registry,            Manipulate the Grouper schema and install
                        bootstrap data
  -test,                Run JUnit tests
  -usdu,                Invoke USDU - Unresolvable Subject Deletion
  -findbadmemberships,  Check for membership data inconsistencies
