Versions Compared


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  • The PSP is weighted heavily towards trying to be all things to all people.
  • Due to the above, it suffers horribly in the area of performance.
  • The community believes that messaging and more specifically a queue is the future direction that they all need to move in
  • Building on the message-queue concept, Grouper should create a generic interface and message format that would translate changelog events or events triggered by hooks in Grouper into generic messages.
  • Grouper would also create an interface to read/validate messages
  • The community and project would use this message format and interface to write provisioners.
  • The two messaging systems that the Grouper project will launch with support for are ActiveMQ and Amazon SQS
  • Grouper will also attempt to write an implementation of the interface that does not rely on an external queue so that adopters who do not wish to run AMQ or connect up to Amazon could still run the provisioners locally.


The provisioning modules will be configured via properties files using standard grouper configuration mechanisms. Modules will be activated by either calling them from GSH for batch/reconciliation functions , or by the changelog consumereither a changelog consumer or Grouper hooks for incremental provisioning.  Hooks will be investigated as a means of provisioning more quickly. The provisioners will support two kinds of configuration:
